"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alexander Quinn - disturbances in the space-time continuum & fluctuations in your overall well-being - 11.09.2024

Message from my Arcturian Guide this morning.
( He felt it quite important I get this out today )

“We are currently experiencing significant temporal shifts, which are closely linked to the manipulation of electromagnetic and gravitational forces, leading to disturbances or "fissures" in the space-time continuum. These shifts are amplified by large solar waves, which, in turn, enhance time circuits. As a result, time perception may accelerate, creating the sensation of losing time or experiencing time anomalies.

For example, events that occurred only a week ago may feel like they happened years ago, and vice versa. I highlight this because these temporal shifts are occurring frequently right now, which can be unsettling for the mind as it increasingly detaches from linear time during the process of ascension. However, this is a natural phenomenon, and you are not losing your sanity. It is important to remember that time is not linear but cyclical from a broader, more universal perspective. We are beginning to experience this cyclical nature more frequently, which might feel disorienting. The concept of linear time is an artificial construct, and we are gradually returning to what your soul perceives as its natural state. This shift may feel unsettling, but it is part of the process of realignment”
Arcturian Message Wednesday 11th "

Many of you are currently undergoing significant changes, both physically and energetically. These transformations can create fluctuations in your overall well-being, as your body and mind adapt to new states. It's important to maintain self-care and self-compassion during this process to support your ongoing development and balance whilst you reconfigure back to your natural state. Remember - you are loved on the other side more than you can imagine. We wish that you give yourselves this elevation of self love that we feel for you throughout the process you are entertaining on earth as a regular ritual to maintain balance throughout the upgrades" 

Light Command - Iawat An Sha 
Channel Alexander Quinn

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