"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Face of Loneliness and Pain & Portal of your heart & The Meeting with "I am" & The Purpose - 11.09.2024


“When you build your own world... you will live in it every chance. Some call it “loneliness”. For me, it's my other place, where I turn off the noise and turn up the music inside me. ”~Angel of Pascalis
- "Keep quiet. Silence is the space of your heart.
Feel yourself at Home .... to attract the strength to accept life unlimited.
In moments of life Warriors have been tested by silence and solitude, synchronizing themselves with their readiness to face anything. Silence is yourself... in the Agora.
When you find yourself in silence, you are a Warrior before the unknown, ready to disappear and leap. This is a Power text... Power will be reflected in your eyes. ”~J. Krishnamurti
“Every fall will compel you to release the truth captive in the depths. The more light it reaches, the more darkness it discovers; the wounded darkness protests against the light. As we begin to enlighten, purify, we decant what hinders. After conquering each peak, we must descend to bring power and light below: only then is life transformed... ”~ Sri Aurobindo, the adventure of consciousness
*LET YOUR SHADOW GO*- based on article by Aurora Ray
The Shadow holds the Pain of what no longer serves you.
You fed her so long she became an entity.
You may have run out of means to feed her, but she's not letting go easily.
Breaking the pact you made with your pain would lead you to unknown areas, and that sucks. Did you get your wake up call tho This is your moment of Truth.
Now you should let that old companion go.
You carried that Pain for so long that it became part of your identity, but it put a Veil on your happiness.
She manipulated her relationships, her career, her skills.
This shadow friend is now showing her darkness.
Pain wants to be seen. Acknowledge HER, give thanks, and let go.
Substitute HER for Love. Talk to your shadow. Say it on a daily basis:
"Thank you for coming with me this far. I recognize the lessons you taught me. Now I will move on without you.
I allow my Healing to take place now. I release the emotions of Pain and Fear.
Love is my reality now. So be it. ”



Know that every moment spent inside your Heart is cumulative. You radiate the pulse of that reconnection through every physical cell, delving into a multidimensional metamorphic process. The mind of ego cannot understand or monitor your actual process, only your Heart plays the role of a guiding compass, moving you with the flow on your Path. ”~ Pleiadians by Christine Day
"Have some moments of Stillness.
When your mind is quiet, you have no name, no past, no relationships, no country, no desires, no lack of spiritual fulfillment. There is only the presence of oneself. " ~Gangaji
"To be Silent... it's all about not being held and hijacked by your thought. It's important not to set up meditation as a battlefield... This will take all her joy away... Conscience is not for or against thought. It's neutral.
Your conscience is allowing everything to be exactly as it is...
You don't have to stop your mind from thinking. You can't even!
Accept what is happening... without adding anything. So you can watch the entire vastness of the inner landscape... feeling her way into Inner Silence.
Aint you trying to block out the noise. You Loose Any Control ~Adyashanti, 'The Art of Meditation'
It's important to understand that by anchoring more Light we contribute more actively to Humanity. Densified energies flutter like butterflies around lit lamps to be transformed.
As well as Empathas, we attract feelings of discouragement and disorientation: “Like Starseeds, you purposefully assume lower vibrations to transmute them. You are not only doing this for Earth and humanity, you are capturing and transmuting the karmic energies of the Galaxy. And yes, you guys agreed to that. ” ~Kejraj
“Dear child... Everything in your world is changing at quantum speed. The waiting is over! "
“Some of you have been experiencing a deep longing for things to go back to normal.
The Universe is reminding you that it's okay to feel a little down during this period of imbalance and to take some time for yourself. As things calm down small glimpses of hope will become bigger ... ~Creator by Jennifer Farley (Snippets)



"I Am" is the first name of God When you want to think of God, think of "I Am" with your breath. Close your eyes, Inhale and say: "I", Exhale and say, "I am." Do it for 3 times.
Whenever you have a problem, no matter how serious you think it is... or every time the problem returns to your mind... if she starts rambling, do the "I Am" meditation.
Your bodily consciousness will disappear, and the 'I Am' will take control. "~(based on Robert Adams, 'Silence of the Heart')
"When you use the words of truth, ""I AM"" you will feel the difference." These words create a resonance, an opening that is activated by you, flowing within all of your crystal systems. Allow these words to be the tool for reorientation of that sacred frequency being restored in you. You can release and trust this unfolding of yourself, allowing a fully energetic shift of consciousness to unfold naturally within. Conscious detachment (the Release) will allow you to fully incorporate the frequency of the Divinity within your cells. ” ~ Pleiadian set 2024 Christine Day
Honor your real self
Every once in a while you might ask yourself, "Is this all really worth it?" "You've been going through moments, unloading of grief, anger, and limiting beliefs. Releasing negatives to make room for positives, diving into the intimacy of your existence to find and honor your true Self.
Even when you felt very lonely, the Universe stood by, quietly anticipating your next frontier.
So is it even worth it? "Yes, all the time! "
“Sometimes a break is necessary before the next jump. Instead of worrying about whether you're fulfilling your Purpose, think about this... Just to be where you are now, to exist in the space you are in this moment is enough. ”~ Breeder by J. Farley
“Transcendence is a natural part of the process of awakening.
You can mean simply transcending an older version of yourself... How you peel back layers of trauma and old circumstances.
Seeing yourself in a new light, seeing your worth today, what you couldn't see for years, letting go of self-judgment and opening yourself to self-love, is a form of Transcendence. ” ~Kejraj



The more awareness, the less effort.
“You are not on Earth to suffer and then be saved.” Starseed you are the rescue team
You as powerful beings of light are here to save the world. But not in the way you may think
You are saving the world by reminding others of Divine light and power. The number of these people, waking up and remembering, is increasing every day. This is how the world is saved and now rises to the higher vibrations. " ~Kejraj
“... Keep searching for that which inspires Love within you, and then don't get attached. Instead, relish the feeling you have inside that represents the Source of us all... this is how you live a Fountain Service life. ”~St Germain (D. Scranton)
This is the mechanism that bases the advancement on the Path: building your space to house vitalizing thoughts and emotions.
More awareness, less effort.
This is the manifestation of individual magic that leaves your trails of Light with every step.

Wilma Capuano

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