"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Eclipse portal - 29.09.2024

This eclipse portal (Sept 18 to Oct 2) has been proving to be a cosmic wallop. The portal onset triggered the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii to begin to erupt once again. The Hawaiian islands are one of four heart pumps on the planet for the two major Ley Lines that circumnavigate the Earth, distributing life-giving cosmic light. What happens on or near these heart pumps affects the whole planet. On solstice, we felt a lot of high frequencies coming from Vega and the Arcturus. That is only two of dozens of influences during this time.

While large influxes of incoming cosmic frequencies clear out the very back of our closets of anything unhealed, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, volcanoes bring in new creative energy with knowledge and wisdom to the surface. So much cosmic light is now flowing into Earth that it has triggered a sudden mini-crisis of collective deep clearing. Earth and Sky will not be ignored anymore.

On a personal level, we may have fallen quickly into some deep levels of old and even ancestral grief and deep feelings of vulnerability and anxiety. We are digging so deep at this point that we may not know where the triggers are coming from anymore. These triggers could be from our personal ancient past or things unhealed in the collective. It will be a continual process of getting to know oneself repeatedly as we continually change and morph to align with the new frequencies. We will never be the same, nor would we want to be.

We can see the cosmic balance struggling to return to a new alignment on a global level. This intensifies tensions between countries, our home countries, and our relationships. We are also seeing the “expected” intensification of weather patterns, and this last hurricane, Helene, has made her point, but are we listening? A cosmic balance is coming in waves that appear like chaos to us, but I am told all this is necessary for a time.

Most people are now becoming aware that we live on a planet with two clearly distinct realities, and most of humanity is in one or the other. How this continues to evolve on our planet has yet to be decided by the collective. Either way, paradoxically, humanity at a collective soul level is working together as ONE to bring about balance.

It appears at present that the two realities will become less and less aware of the other to the point where they no longer exist for each other. Nobody really knows how this will play out. We have never entered a new large cycle of time while in physical bodies. In ages past, when we shifted into new cycles, many passed consciously into another dimension, or escaped with some otherworldly assistance, or dropped their bodies altogether. All three options may be playing out now.

This eclipse portal makes one feel like humanity is holding its breath as we wonder how things will unfold. We have had days where we felt like we could not get enough oxygen. We have had other days where we didn’t know which way to go. We’ve had episodes of feeling stalled, confused, and completely turned around. We have gathered many ideas and options for where we will put our energy next, but it has not been the time to put them into action. All we experience right now is a normal part of our ascension into a new frequency, or so I’m told.

This portal is a time to let go of the undefinable and the unknowable that echoes from the past and has been rippling toward us in this eclipse portal. We are preparing plans for what we will do next, keeping in mind that all our plans may change. Nothing is solid yet.

It’s amazing to watch humanity collectively going through this unique process that we are totally unprepared for. How could we have been prepared? We have never lived through this part of evolution on this planet, not ever. I think it’s incredible that we are all holding it together as well as we are, all while it feels like our world is falling apart. But our spirits know exactly what to do even though our minds are at a loss for what is next. It is all in divine order. Soon, we can look back and see our incredible progress, all achieved simply by surrendering and following our hearts.

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