"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Moon Eclipse & The light that heals the sorrow - 18.09.2024


In Brazil it can be seen from 9:30pm today.
The Earth has already gone through a contraction for a purifying return within to protect the mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. Some get the job done, some don’t.
Today in this Sun in Virgo/New Moon in Pisces setting, the energies remind humans to align the spiritual with the practice of being in the world.
The manifestation of any idea always finds a path from the spirit to the matter - and back to the spirit. This is how the universe works, and consciousness can access the Cosmos directory to shape the reality of matter in 3D.
The Eclipse takes place on the North Node Super Moon in its elliptical (non-circulating) very close to Earth, allied with Neptune, the regent of unlimited possibilities, to increase our connection to Higher Consciousness, deepening our Intuition and Perception offering a magical opportunity if you trust the workings of the Universe to welcome in new energy instead of releasing karma like the previous ones in the South Node.
To be able to tap into what the Full Moon and Neptune are illuminating to transform, we have to abandon the old ways of being.
Just as your mindset is as friendly or hostile, wonder if you consider the Universe friendly or hostile. By believing it is hostile - "the world is against me" or "I can't do it because of it" - you don't trust your power of positive manifestation.
This Choice defines divine Timing and its openness to Synchronicities and Signs to act in your favor. When things keep going wrong, it's a sign of disconnection from the flow of life, which generates an inability to perceive direction around you.
Anything is possible when you trust Divine Timing and read the signs - even if they go against what you believed to be true, even if you don’t have all the answers.
When the unexpected hits you should abandon the old ways of being - will you frame it as a challenge or an opportunity? Will you swim with the current or against it?
What will be revealed will be profound and extraordinary – for there is a cosmic seal of divine approval with the Full Moon in conjunction with Neptune. Reflect on how your life was, the events and the decisions you made in 1997 and 2016 and you will have a good indication of what to expect.
The Emotional Body must be stabilized because we will be more vulnerable to falling into self-judgment and feelings of insignificance, unworthiness, persecution complex, irritation without reason, depression, plunging deeper into layers of illusory trance as an effect of disconnection with 3D.
When we trust in Divine Timing, when we read the signs, the Full Moon Eclipse offers a transformational chance when we’re open and willing to trust that the Universe is always communicating.
All we need to do is Listen, practice self-care with courage and commitment.
“Breathe, move to the center of the heart and stay there for as long as you can. With that comes the emotional body "rest" and all the emotional imbalances one can have. When someone is present in your heart, the emotional body is at peace, no matter the circumstances. ” ~Kejraj
"There's greatness inside you... an ability to shine brightly in the dark with the Knowledge to embrace and show empathy, kindness and compassion. Through these turbulent times, you can see the peaceful light beyond the chaos. "~Creator by Jennifer Farley
Wilma Capuano



You are strong. When life knocks you down, it doesn't matter how many times you try to get back up, all that matters is how it's going to end. Grace will indicate a safe place, so trust despite the fears. As a disciple, embrace existence by learning from all of Nature, the trees, flowers, birds..
When meeting a spiritual master know that he is like a swimming pool where you will learn to swim.
When you learn, you are ready to jump into rivers and oceans across your Path, growing in fields of Sublimation: those where we must be in the moment, living what we have to live, and changing what we have to change, because accessing the Light means Healing the Sorrows and raising the Awareness.


"The Divine sees you. ... listen ... Ohhhhhh He Knows Him....
Along the Senda, you've suffered and cried a lot.
Most times you hurt yourself
Yes, when your pride spoke louder than your heart.
And when you stopped respecting yourself.
When you forgot about Him and acted full of ego.
And He always waits, for there is a time for everything...
Time to sow... of the spoon... to learn and recycle.
And the time to listen to the heart calling out to the Light.
So you are reunited with Him in your heart.
And everything changed, because Love regenerated its light.
And you wept a lot, no more for your wounded ego.
But because you see it in yourself...
Because she understood that Heaven was always in her heart.
And all sadness was illusion...
And you felt something real lighting up your way...
And see the supreme act marvelous ways.
Even when you were blinded by your soul and peace.
One day, her face was a river of tears...
And He waited for the right time...... Your time to Wake Up
And your Senda became beautiful and full of stars.
And her chest became the sun.
Because you rediscovered Great Love.
And now your face is a river of light.....
Because your tears have been transformed.
And you found out your Senda... it's Him, all is Him, all is He... "

:: Wagner Borges :: (Excerpts from the poem There is a time for everything", 11/2009 - the full text at https://www.ippb.org.br/textos/974-rios-de-luz-na-senda
Wilma Capuano

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