"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - Disconnection & Stillness - 18.09.2024

Remember that disconnection does precede transformation. Often, in order for us to go to the next level of our life or the next level of our experience, we have to let something go. And there will be many, at the moment, who have been feeling disconnected for a while. Disconnection is not a comfortable feeling; it can be very frustrating; it can feel isolating. Often, we yearn to connect. We are here on the planet to connect to something. Some of us connect to people; some connect to nature; some connect to animals; some connect to their purpose or their work in the world or the family they're raising. We all need to feel connected in some way.

This feeling of disconnection is a limbo space or a pre-birth space that you go through before you transform and become someone or something new. Try to remember that disconnection is part of the process of change, and it precedes the new you. It's part of the chrysalis process, and lots of people right now are in that middle ground. You don't just have to suffer through disconnection. Perhaps it's time for you to look at new things that you might want to connect to. It's very easy for us to recognize, "The things that used to fill me up, light me up, and that I was drawn to are no longer working for me." But we sometimes forget that we don't always just have to wait it out. Sometimes that's part of the process, but other times, if you are becoming someone new, what new things might you want to engage with or connect with now?

Watch the full September 2024 Energy Update here: https://www.leeharrisenergy.com/sept-2024-energy-update


Ask yourself, "How is my relationship to stillness?" Because it is where the power and where the reset can be found. So stillness might be you writing a book or a blog post. Stillness might be you gardening or tidying up an area of your house. Stillness might be you very consciously sitting down and listening to some music or to a podcast. Stillness might be yoga, meditation - anything that focuses you and focuses your energy in a way that it isn't just in reaction to the outside world. So be mindful of the overstimulation. Be mindful of the chaos of it all. And if the chaos of it all is something you're enjoying or you're finding your way through it, great. If the chaos of it all starts to overwhelm you, you need to know how to bring yourself back to stillness. What does it for you? It might be your favorite TV show. It doesn't matter what it is that you're going to use to reset yourself. But knowing how to reset yourself is going to be crucial.

-Lee Harris

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