"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Transcending duality as we more towards Equinox - 21.09.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

We have entered into the Eclipse Corridor, which is very heavily focused on relationships. As we are in the lead up towards September Equinox, this is amplifying these energies.
Equinox is the opportunity for us to come into more balance & equilibrium ~ the phrase I've been told was to "Transcending Duality" & intergrate more unity within ourselves.
So, of course, before this can be accomplished, all the distortions, patterns, and shadows are being highlighted, exposed, and highlighted so they can go through this metamorphosis.
This energy has been bubbling up for a few days now, possibly a week for those very sensitive to it. The words came clearly that there is a huge "Disturbance in the field," which feels & looks like a big dark cloud hovering around the ethers. This feels to me like excessive energy as many going through abrupt awakening to truth in their lives.
In particular themes around unhealthy relationship dynamics ~ Toxic, Codependency, unworthiness, helplessness, victims consciousness, etc.
This could make your nervous system feel like it's on overdrive right now. ~ feeling anxious as though your body is releasing PTSD from an abusive relationship.
I feel this a collective theme that we've played out with the corrupt/inverted systems.
And, of course, what our individual experiences might be releasing from past experiences in our relationship dynamics.
So you might sense highlighted themes of victim vs. perpetrator ~ empathic vs narcissistic ~ toxic masculine & Feminine.
It's all bubbling around in the collective field at present so that it can heal, clear, and make way for what is coming...
As a side note, if you're in a healthy, stable relationship & highly sensitive. Please be aware of these energies & not to project them into your experience unnecessarily. Being conscious of what's yours, others & collective is pretty crucial at the moment.
I feel like many of us who are on this divine counterpart pathway & new trajectory opening up for the restoration of right relationships are going through some heavy testing, high levels of interference and rapidly clearing levels of distortions.
This 'old' outdated template of masculine & feminine imbalance (within & without).
This has been a phase of the souls' journey from the womb of creation all the experiences of darkness, deceit, shadow, wounds, trauma, heartbreak & pain
To the highest of the heigh, most incredible states of euphoria, bliss, love, heart expansion & pure ecstasy!
And it's everything in between because we have come to experience it all & then integrate that into our human experience & physical body!
This process well & truly leaves nothing uncovered, examined, highlighted, or healed so we can become deeply unified within & without
The physical aspect of this information & energetic integration is felt in the head. The pressure of energy incoming feels like it's completely rewarding consciousness!
It's impactful to our masculine energies to be able to purify the outdated templates & bring in new sacred masculine codes to help facilitate the rebirthing process into the physical body!
This is a gentle reminder that in order to birth anything of great importance into the world, we have to rebirth ourselves to achieve this process completely.
If you're feeling this intensity, be kind & gentle with yourself just as you would if you're a new baby being reborn into the world

Much love
Alisha Braché

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