"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - It is conscious learning time to skip timelines - 20.09.2024


Your level of awareness dictates your experience Remember initiation tests are no longer happening in Temples but in life.
To face the challenge that we will all have and were prepared for in the final Stages... “Don’t succumb to the fear or illusion of the trap that the Lower Timeline and negative entities are winning the Battle, because they’re not. We're just living through the process of spiritual warfare right now to vibrationally match consciousness with our appropriate Timeline. "~Lisa Renee
“We weave our life and then we move in it. We are like the dreamer, who dreams and then lives in the dream. ” The Upanishad
We are at a crucial moment in human evolution for the expansion of consciousness and empower ourselves to perceive the higher reality of 7th Dimension existence which enables us to have moments of peace and the transcendent ego for connection with the Flow of Universal Consciousness.
You, in the experience of being a human, have a sense of knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly no matter the external circumstances.
We are completing the Transition Phase from 4th to 5th D.
The 5th and 6th Dimensions provide possibilities for leaps into Timelines, alternate realities, in which different choices can be made about events leading them to different outcomes (time travel).
Many Starseeds came from future Timelines to this moment on Earth to help modify for the better the outcome of the conclusion of the cycle of lockdown on humanity and planet.
The 7th Dimension is an access point to other Universes through an axis of electromagnetic forces of Laws of Physics yet unknown. Existing in higher Dimensions is the possibility to Pilgrimage and always open a Page from the Cosmic Book and have the different scenery, narrative and characters.
In the Stages of Ascension, triggered by the Cosmic Waves,
“When structures seem to be falling apart, it’s because higher frequency energies are replacing what was there. Stay focused so you don't feel overwhelmed or confused when multiple doors open at once.
It is also a reminder that inner death, the dark night of the soul, including the clearing of past lives results in deeper self-understanding, drawing in aligned experiences into new existence. ”~Ascension LightWorkers
We are in the Times we were waiting to ascend.
Wilma Capuano

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