"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - We are part of the Cosmic Book & Star travel: altered state of consciousness - 17.09.2024


Many share with me the visions and glimpses that they are having in these Phases of Ascension, of Awakening to who We Are. Many want to go through moments of ecstasy, receive Keys to make sure they are moving forward in multidimensionality.

These revelations occur through codes that emit and anchor energetic frequencies in the form of numbers, sounds, colors, and sacred geometries.

You can trust that they will happen spontaneously as you Release/ Empty yourself of toxic files of emotions and thoughts in that continuous chatter of your mind, which wants to control your consciousness while remaining in 3D.

In addition to Guardian Angels who act as Guides and Protectors we have members of our Family of Origin from outside the planet to assist us on our earthly Journey in Remembering who we are and where we came from. Just invite and ask. They are taking action immediately after the Veils were lifted.
The transformation of consciousness leads you to touch the space of the “I Am” - the Essence of your spirit - that dwells in you eternally ever since it was blown like a divine spark by the Ocean of Life tinted with the Golden Light of the Source.
We are fractals of the Creator Power of the Universe, and as Pilgrim Souls we accumulate records in our energetic field.
So we are like an Akasha book - the Universal Library.
We are "Living Libraries", as the Pleiadian people say, the parts that make up the Cosmic Book of All That Is.
** ** **
I received this message from an Enlightened follower from Croatia (D. M), and with your permission, I transmit to you :
"Maybe you can explain what I see."
I see my body as a transparent balloon filled with golden liquid with many strange signs. They move and seem to read each other. They spin like crazy.
Like a book written in a spiral.
These signs look like runes and have a sound.
Every part, every millimeter of my body is written.
It's like we were created out of a cosmic book. ”

My response :
“Your experiences in multidimensional are beautiful. You have received many revelations about your Essence.
The latter refers to the authenticity of its form which carries sacred geometry and the unique Sound of its Energy Signature, which vibrates the Frequency of the I Am, of its own Divinity.
This is the vision of the Microcosm, of the Galaxy that you are, part of All That Exists in the Universe and radiates during your experience as a human.
We are like living libraries."
I really appreciate you sharing with me "
We are all infinite Pages in the Cosmic Book.



We all naturally enter altered states of consciousness when we sleep, focus or relax. During sleep those on a particular mission perform tasks in higher Dimensions and still receive restorations for protection in their energy field, and may recall in lucid dreams and/or sensations in physical and mental.
They are signs that they have entered alternate universes, updated DNA, cleaned their etheric energy, and received insights and personal transformation.
By also working on inner wounds, the Soul triggers these moments to invite you to embark on the spiritual journey deeper.
As Joseph Campbell said, it would be “The Call to adventure” to follow your Path and find your purpose in life.
Altered states can be an extraordinary experience in joy or pain, scary because it fractured your understanding of reality, which was not available, through a temporary suspension of ego control.
A traumatized self (ego) trying to pull itself back is scared because it is not ready to access higher states of consciousness.
In search of reconnection with the authentic Self within, those who are lost and do not know how to find the inner Center, these altered states of consciousness are a possible path to enlightenment.
I bring back the Spontaneous Revelations.
But there are types of hallucinogens induced altered states, hypnosis, alien abductions, shamanic mystical experiences.
Just as they can be induced by trauma (mental, emotional and physical), sleep deprivation, fasting, guided breathing exercises, near death experiences.
Those provoked by psychoses are due to neurological failure of synapses or chemical imbalance in the brain.
Those in a state of fear, distrust, and resistance to life often have a bad journey if provoked by unnatural means. Those who trust the process and let themselves lose control of their ego have beneficial experiences.
****SIGNS that you have experienced an altered state of consciousness by definition by shamanic psychologist Christy Mackinnon. One of them already validates experience.
• Time distortion: time slows down or accelerates;
• Altered body perception: feeling disconnected from your body or in tune with some part of it;
• Dissociation: disconnected from emotions and from yourself;
• Expanded perception: hyperconscious conquering a larger perspective of some part of your reality;
• Flow state: intense tuning with the present moment;
• Visionary experiments of symbols and images;
• The internal dialogue ceases;
* Relaxation or intense activation of extreme calm or extreme fear;
• Amnesia or, vice versa, very detailed memory of past events; your younger appearance to recreate the future;
• Catalepsy (muscle stiffness) or body numbness;
Why do we experience altered states of consciousness?
Spiritual Initiation.
Whether it’s trance-inducing Sufi dancing, Hindu chanting, Christian prayer, Buddhist meditation, or the sacramental ingestion of sacred plants by Shaman Curators, without integration, your profound experiences are wasted.
To integrate, ask yourself: "What part of the experience stood out the most for me? What could be the deeper meaning? ”
Draw this on. Drawing involves the right hemisphere of your brain, the most creative and emotional part of you.
Find a practical application from your experience to change something, achieve a goal or follow your Path?
These altered states of consciousness call upon you, through extraordinary perception, to see that Life is much larger than in 3D, and the Sacred can be accessed in your earthly existence.
Wilma Capuano

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