This is a real time of deep transformation. So, are you approaching it that way if that’s what you are feeling? When we go through very difficult periods in our lives, one of the things we have to have the spiritual maturity to be able to do is "parent" and look after ourselves as we're going through them. You might really be up against it in your life right now. Perhaps you are responsible for or caring for lots of people in need, and you feel like you don't have any space or breathing room. Only you can take care of making sure that you protect some space and some breathing room for yourself if you have this high degree of responsibility for caring for others in your life.
Just remember, if you are exhausted by the transformation process or you suddenly find yourself in it—your mind starts changing, your ideas about life start changing, and your identity, or what you thought was your identity, starts changing—none of this is that unusual. But it can feel unusual when you're going through it alone internally. This is actually par for the course on the planet right now. We're shifting and being asked to shift either through the outer or the inner, or both. So, remember to allow the transformation process the time it needs. Honor yourself and look after yourself as you are going through it; it's really important.
-Lee Harris
You are many people in one, depending on who you are interacting with, what you are doing, and the beauty is you can become even more multifaceted. You can become even more colorful as a soul. In peace and in love to you, you extraordinary multidimensional being.
- From Embracing Your Multidimensionality
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