"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - Energy Update - The two Moons - 29.09.2024


Upon the purification and deactivation of the navel from all the limiting and ill
stored information that this portal was carrying from one generation to the next,
we are in a time where the body is undergoing a very deep cleansing and release.
We were told that this is another form of exorcism and that many beings/souls and energies were able to occupy and possess one's system because of the nature of this body portal.
We were also told that because of this development,
in the future,
the new babies that will be coming in
will be free from the generational weight, possession and programming.
They will be coming in both as Tabula Rasa and Sanctus Nous!
What a great difference this will make for all humanity!!!
So it is important that one pays close attention to anything that the body is showing and expressing during this period
and work with it in order to support the body move through these monumental changes and be free.
It is useful to mention that the human body did not always use to have a belly button.
This began only after Deus separated the Androgenous and Apollo later on, performed surgical and genetic alterations upon the separated bodies.
-Scientists have announced that beginning from today we will have two moons for a period of almost one month.

The second moon 2024PT5 is from the Arjuna asteroid belt.
Arjuna in mythology is the main hero for the epic Mahabharata! Arjuna in the epic goes through many tests as his family has gone through many difficult challenges
but he manages to gain divine weapons and though he feels sorrow that he is called to fight against members of his own family,
he moves on with bravery and enters the battle under the guidance of Krishna.
Arjuna is famous for his archery skills and he is the holder of the Mother's Shell
During our last group session
the two moons were witnessed during the process of the matter anti-matter ladder
upon which the Twin Flames Phoenixes became the owners of the ladder which is another unprecedented development!
I am curious to see how an additional moon pulling will affect humanity's subconscious and DNA in connection to Posidonia, the mother's vortaex and the free Waters of Life
since we have been deeply in the process of their purification, transformation and upgrade
The Spheres in our systems
have now reached a new alignment and balancing and they are now moving into a new kind and upgraded rotation.
This is part of the restoration of the Divine Kundalini is taking place faster and faster.
Our Merkabahs underwent a restart upon this Equinox and because of the matter antimatter ladder,
they have began a new acceleration.
This is officially the button of physical Ascension turning On!
Hasta La Vista Baby!
-I very often receive the question as to what are the services that I offer.
I usually do not post much about it
because I have chosen people to only connect with me via the guidance of their own Higher Self and not through the mental approaches.
The Higher Self when it is necessary finds it important to show to their human aspect certain unseen directions or hidden information and truths
that will help her/him in life and in the ascension process,
this is were I come in as a guide to help deliver and clearly show these directions to the individual.
Here are my services:
-Personal sessions:
In the personal sessions we go through a series of different approaches and processes with each individual in order to bring him/her back to the true position and then we begin addressing anything that is out of alignment in their own spiral of Life,
meaning any aspects of the Self whether karmic, quantum, current etc.
so that the person can find inner knowing and balance, realise and embody certain inner truths and become whole and soveign again.
Via my ability to read the human aura/thoughts, emotions and intentions,
I work with the higher self and the soul team of each person using many different tools of therapy in order to guide her/him
through the path of Self realisation (body mind and soul).
Usually people who are already working with themselves and are already in the Ascencion path are drawn to the personal sessions.
Those already in psychotherapy/somatic therapy aware of its tools and codes,
they can move via the different layers of their being
via the work that we do in the personal sessions and reach a new awakening and balance quite fast and successfully and with even greater advancement
because they have a better understanding of the human code and system via psychotherapy and are more open to establishing a living, truthful, loving and adult relationship to the Self.
-Group sessions:
In the group sessions
we are working on all the major current developments of Ascension via the Crystal Portal of the Acropolis and Sophia Athena Nike.
We are following the guidance of the Energy
as we perform purifications, embodiments, alignments and initiations
always in connection to the body mind and soul as a whole.
We often analyse the current collective developments that cannot be discussed publicly and we also share and address personal matters and messages from the higher selves and soul teams.
These sessions are for everyone
but are mostly chosen by those Souls who carry important missions in their Soul plans in connection to the Ascension process and are functioning as forerunners and grounding vessels for the collectives/lands/elements that they are connected with.
-5D sessions,
Spiritual Surgery Adjustment and Upgrade:
In these 5D session I become the medium and guide of the 5D Light Beings who are the Ones performing the healing under the Blessings of the Divine Mother.
These Beings have the ability, knowledge and power to see and address all parts of the human system but above all
to reveal and remove the blind or unseen parts of the self
along with the karmic limitations and heavy imprints in the astral mental/emotional and etheric bodies of the individual that carry the true causes of illness, suffering and distortion.
The 5D healing process reveals very much the cause and effect factor in a Soul's journey and experience
so it can be a great eye opener that can help people reach a deeper understanding and healing for themselves.
The 5D Light Beings are connected to each individual's 5D Family and Collective
and are offering important liberation, healing and correction, clearing out of the way huge parts of blockages in one's system and consciousness,
opening the way to rebirth and ascension while showing people the direction to that which is most advanced and beneficial for them.
My own 5D Light Being is on the board of directors in the University for the Research of the Soul, on the Purple Plane.
So my main mission is everything to do with the Soul and its journey, exploration, education, advancement and progress.
*Please note that from 2025
there will be alterations and additions to my services as the collective needs will be changing very fast and new directions will come in.
The Waters of Posidonia and the new Vortex of the Mother are bringing so many new Blessings and Upgrades for all!
As I have already announced,
I am planning on offering new seminars, healing retreats and educational groups in different places of the world
so if you are interested in collaborating with me please feel free to connect with me.
For more information in any of the above and participation
you can always send me a message
or email me at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
-Coming up next
5D Spiritual Healing Surgery session
On Tuesday, October 1 2024
at 17:00 Athens time zone.
Blessings of Soul advancement!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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