"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - When overwhelm is present & Live in a More Wide-hearted way & Creating with Light - 25.09.2024

I find a really useful thing to do is to reflect back on the previous week, on the previous month, on the previous year. That can often be very centering when you feel overwhelmed. And one of my things is always to try and focus on the very next thing I need to do, especially when overwhelm is high. Okay, so the world is overwhelming, your life is overwhelming, what can you do right now in this moment that is perhaps the next task or thing you need to do? Or perhaps you walk away from your tasks or things that you feel you need to do and just sit with yourself for five minutes, put on some nice music, dance around the house, whatever it is, because the overwhelm energy is something that will keep pulling us in. The question is, can we pull ourselves out of it, and find ways, strategies and tools to keep soothing, and resetting ourselves?
-Lee Harris


What can happen when cosmic heart energy starts to enter us and we start to feel more connected to the wider world is that we shift. We might see sudden shifts in relationships, work, or our focus on a day-to-day basis. You might have been consumed by something for years, and it was absolutely right for you. But all of a sudden there is this shift into wanting to live in a more inclusive way, to see the world through a wider lens.

For some, this is going to be very subtle, almost unnoticeable. It will happen in a very slow, subtle way behind the scenes. But for others among you, it might be hitting you quite strongly right now. One of the gifts of living from a slightly more wide-hearted place is that you can start to perceive, see, and sense the subtle, and you trust the subtle movement of things - a little less fixated on details or human drama or things that previously might have been where all of your focus and all of your senses went.

This widening is a spiritual maturity, and it comes from the soul. It doesn't come from the human being. It comes from the realms of the soul, the realms of spirit, and the realms of the inclusive. Cosmic heart energy is beginning to impact us on earth in a bigger way, and it’s coming into strong focus. Some of the gifts can be being able to feel more at peace about everything that you're seeing and perceiving than you perhaps previously were.

Watch the full September 2024 Energy Update here: 


We are all creators, creating all the time. Are we creating with light? All that simply means is: are we creating with the highest vibration possible? Let's say you are planning a weekend away with a friend, a partner, a loved one, or your family members. Are you allowing yourself to let it be the most magical it could be? Or are you on a bit of a mundane pattern where you're thinking, "Oh, well, we're just going away for a few days, and they never really want to do anything, so I guess I won't really do anything." If it doesn't feel light to you, if it doesn't feel bright to you, what could you do to infuse it with a bit more light? To take it up a notch? That's really all "I create with light" means.

- From I Create With Light Musical Medicine Manta MP3

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