"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Whispers of galactic convergence & Mercury-Uranus-Pluto Trigon - 25.09.2024


“The only difference between those who know they’re blessed and those who don’t ... is the one who slowed down enough to hear the Universe whisper:- "You are loved; you are beautiful (a), worthy (a) and deserving (a). “As your world prepares for yet another big energy shift, it’s good to remember: You don’t have to be to/for anyone. To be yourself, without explanation, is all that the Universe asks. ”~ Creator
Light is what you are, what you do, what you give, and how you live every moment of your life. Aware of your presence, feeling where you are in the moment, looking inside, you recognize yourself and feel whole.
“You cannot understand beyond the degree of your conscience; and your understanding remains intertwined with your capacity of readiness. "~Osho
“There are some who are awake and aware, and there are those who will reach out to those who are ready.
Some are waking up scared and feeling confused. You can watch all negative energy being released to be transformed. This energy is more difficult and painful for those who are extremely empathetic and sensitive. Know that your sensitivity is your gift - convey your Best.” ~ The Hathors by Peggy Black
“You are waking up to a New Dawn, the darkest night is almost over. It's time to return to your stellar roots. You can share what you know, share your light, love everyone unconditionally. Each individual must go through change and experience himself... make your own path. You can't drag someone into 5D. ” ~Kejraj
* Don't be afraid to Awaken. It is becoming clearer and clearer that the reality we live in has become obsolete.
Many run after sensations, and notice every little thing but they don't see each other, and so they get tired and give up.
Sometimes you just need to breathe, let go of your worry, trust, and see what happens without making a plan.
The Great Galactic Convergence gears are up and running. Our solar system is sailing into a new galaxy space. Our Sun is about to lower its magnetic shield just like Gaia.
"The Luminares who traveled to Gaia's assistance agreed to awaken each other's memories.
These Starseeds have been encoded with sounds, colors, lights, images, words, and symbols - a vibrational resonance that would help them remember their commitment to light... emanated in art and music, speech and feelings - creating a deep desire to Awaken and become the embodiment of Love.
Mythic summon has been issued In a supernova of consciousness, Gaia and her children will rise in robes of light, to be reborn among the stars! Miracle will manifest in the earth. "(excerpt from “The Mayan Oracle”: Return Path to the Stars")



The Great Mercury-Uranus-Pluto Trigon occurring in these 48hrs is a powerful transit that means the Cosmic "YES". Today and tomorrow, pay close attention to any thoughts, ideas or information that come up.
Mercury - or Hermes, the Winged Messenger, capable of traveling between the underworld (Pluto) and the Heavens (Uranus), connecting the dots, reveals possible pathways between the hidden depths of your subconscious and you channel transformative energies, into a higher vision, for practical results.
Trigons and Grand Trigons are subtle energies that work within the individual energetic field as a support chain, such as Angels and Guides.
Create the perfect environment for ideas or intentions to flourish
It's like the green light at every intersection as you approach.
Or like a sliding door that opens as soon as you get through it.
A Great Triangle removes obstacles so that everything falls into place at the perfect moment. Proper preparation ensures fertilization ...
If you start something during a Great Trigon, such as this one in these 48 hours, there will be ease and flow under the benefit of the divine "conditions" offered by the "COSMIC YES" if acted after sensible assessment for the identification of what prevents the development of a situation, moving away from the closure of discouragement for fear to fail if not the "right" action.
Wilma Capuano

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