"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - We´re in a time of opening hearts & I am a creator of love - 05.09.2024

We're in a time of opening hearts. People who you traditionally have seen as angry or defended are going to be able to access love and softness quicker than you realize. Part of it might be your skill in the way you handle the conversation with them. Of course, it doesn't mean tolerate abuse, and it doesn't mean hang out with people who are repetitively angry at your own expense. But it does mean that you're going to be surprised at how quickly certain people are ready to soften because hearts are opening. Anger tends to be a defensive mechanism when it comes to defending against love or defending against opening the heart. You're going to see anger moving into love a lot faster than you might have expected and seemingly miraculous shifts in people. That means people you would never have expected to behave or react the way that they end up doing.

That's the theme of opening hearts and love that's beginning to permeate the world. Of course, it doesn't mean everyone or everyone you would like to behave that way is going to. But you will start to see a shift in it, and you will also see it because you are a better conductor of it than you ever were before; you being less triggerable; you being a bit more emotionally aware; you being a bit more emotionally open yourself - it will give the anger nowhere to go. Whereas two angry people fighting is like ping pong. But when an inflamed, angry person meets an open heart and peace, they don't really have anywhere to go.

Watch the full September 2024 Energy Update here: https://www.leeharrisenergy.com/sept-2024-energy-update


I am a creator.
I create with love to feel love.
We create experiences for each other.
I am a creator of love. Love.
I create beauty, peace, rhythm. I create happiness, joy because it feels good.
Every day I have a choice.
What will I create?

- From I Create With Light Musical Medicine Manta MP3

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