"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Lunar Eclipse SuperMoon in Pisces September 17-18th 2024

We're building towards the Full SuperMoon Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th or 18th, depending on where in the world you live. This is a powerful time to let you what is no longer serving you, to release old habits, and perhaps even relationships and jobs that no longer resonate for you. See where it falls in your chart.

We did anticipate a lot of flooding potentially with this Eclipse, and already today there have been massive floods and storms with power cuts in SouthEast Asia, mainly Vietnam and Thailand, with tragically over 200 deaths so far. This Eclipse, particularly as it is a SuperMoon so the Moon is much closer to the Earth in its orbit, is more likely to bring floods and extreme weather.

Positively, please take special note of your dreams at this time, they may have strong messages for you in your life's journey.

Pluto as many of you know moved back into Capricorn for the final time in this current cycle and therefore lifetime for us all on September 2nd and will stay there at the final crisis or anaretic degree until November 19th. It has been transiting through Capricorn since 2008. See where the sign of Capricorn falls in your chart, and observe what has happened in that area of life for you since then.

When we use Pluto transits altruistically, for the benefit of others, they tend to work very productively, and when we use them simply for our own ends, less so. It is the planet of power. How has your sense of your own power and centre changed since 2008? Not in an egoic way, rather in the sense of being of service to others?

Capricorn is the sign of mastery, discipline too. How has this changed for you in these years? Particularly looking at the house where this falls for you, have you pursued a particular path, spiritual discipline, or form of work that has built productively for you? Are you in a better place now than in 2008? How have you used a greater or lesser sense of responsibility in your life? If so, are you more aware of that now? What have been the lessons for you? As it moves out of Capricorn in November, never to move back in this lifetime, what have you learned from this?

Think particularly about power issues. In Capricorn it suggests that socially, politically and economically the power has been held at the top, amongst an elite. How have your views changed about this? Have you felt impotent at times, perhaps giving your power away to others? If so, are you more aware of that now? Do you have a stronger sense of your own sovereignty now than in 2008, perhaps you didn't even consider that as an issue back then.

This theme sets us up strongly for the shift of Pluto into Aquarius for 20 years. This will begin the shift of power to the people, but we have to step into that energy with determination, focus and conviction. This is converging with a time of much greater spiritual awareness as we know, we are sensing that we are spiritual beings here with a strong sense of purpose in helping humanity's evolution, and if we are in victim mode we can't do that well.

The next three months are going to be extraordinarily eventful in the outer world. One last 'grand hurrah' for Pluto may be around October 12th when it moves stationary direct, and also on November 3-4th (just a day before the US election) when Mars at 29° Cancer directly opposes Pluto at 29° Capricorn. This can relate to tremendous focus and willpower in an individual's chart but can also relate to 'brute force' and the strong use of power in the world. For instance one recent hard aspect, a square between Mars and Pluto, happened last October 7th when Hamas allegedly attacked Israel. So please stay in peace to diffuse such strong events. Each of us makes a difference to what manifests.

As I've mentioned this stepping back of Pluto into Capricorn for the next few weeks may give us a feeling of 'things moving backwards', a greater sense of governments and power structures becoming more authoritarian. Pluto's transits are a process of 'deconstruction' of anything related to the sign it is moving through, Capricorn, which is linked to top-down power, where it has not been for our highest good, to allow rebirth to happen at a higher level.
So this too shall pass. Feel exited for our future, there is so much to come for us.

Many blessings.

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