"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Energy from the heavens - 13.09.2024


These past 7 days have been intense receiving energy never before recorded by Schumann frequencies in the face of geomagnetic storms affecting the ionosphere and living beings. Some of us have experienced symptoms such as interrupted sleep with muscle and bone pain, need to sleep for longer hours or falling into a deep sleep at unusual times, excessive body temperature, pressure and headaches, disorientation on many levels, including walking spatial, visions and lucid dreams.

We're in the process of disconnecting from the dense reality of 3D.

There is a convergence of the flow of energies happening in the Cosmic Conspiracy from the powerful 888 to intensify the Awakening with the arrival of the Equinox Portal, Eclipse Season, rare alignment of planets, all for the release of fears and karmic patterns, cleansing of negative ancestral load of DNA, which block emotional and mental balance and expand intuitive skill and Inner Calm that favor leaping into the positive Timelines available.


Now that Pluto is at 29° Capricorn, - this degree represents the peak of the sign's maximum expression, meaning that learning at this degree has come to an end.

The Earth is completing the End of an Era to Rebirth under new paradigms: it is happening at maximum intensity for the purified Essence to emerge.

Humans must ask themselves about their structure and resources: What parts of my life have been irreversibly transformed, and in what aspect have I become better, stronger, since 2008?
Pluto spends more time in a sign than any other planet, so we have no choice but to change and evolve in a process of disempowerment / human vulnerability to discover inner strength / release external control of family, state, institutions, to evolve by transformation of consciousness

Right now there is a rare positive alignment of energies between Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus for advances in social policy and technology and how we interact.

This favorable influence goes until November, when Pluto transitions to the Age of Aquarius bringing a new dynamic turbining confrontation and struggles in relationships.

If Capricorn is symbolized by Aquarius, moving upwards toward goals, Aquarius is represented by Aquarius, symbolizing the flow from heaven back to earth.

Humble wisdom and quiet confidence, without needing to prove anything else, are the gifts of Pluto at 29 degrees in Capricorn, because you become the power in its best version.

Capricorn is about human striving to become divine in power, Aquarius is the divine impulse to become more human and connected to give back, sharing knowledge, wisdom and actions for the collective good.

We all have a deep need to ‘fit in’, to play a significant role in the web of Life, but to find that interconnectivity we must first have Self-awareness.

""Any warning of changes to your earthly plane may seem discouraging, but you are being asked to rise up again. This next Wave will bring even more Awakenings. Others may be disoriented by the information they are receiving and seeking guidance. Your light and love will provide them with the direction they need. It is time to take a deep breath, ground yourself, and get to work."

"It can be disheartening to see people acting badly just because others are doing it. If you don't know what to say or do, send them the unconditional Love of the Universe. It may not heal the hurt they are carrying, but you will know that you have done your part in guiding them a little closer to the resolution they need." ~Creator J. Farley (excerpts)
Wilma Capuano

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