"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Your trust in the information - 19.09.2024


This is spiritual guidance for the Baby Boomer Generation (born between 1940 and 1960), Generation X (between 1960 and 1970), Millennials or Y (born in the early 1980s to 1995/2000), Generation Z (born between 1995/2000 to 2010), Generation Alpha (born after 2010.
Why are we always quick to trust negative predictions, but never so quick to trust positive predictions?
You might read on the internet that "World War III is starting!" and then you want to build bunkers...
Or someone says that a huge "financial crisis" is coming, and you want to run to the bank.
All co-creation-manifestation occurs when thought meets emotion to intend actions in your life.
... ** ... **
“In the old Reality, things are seen as opposites – good or bad... In the expanded view of In the New Reality consciousness, life is seen as unified. Opposite sides of the coin are seen as just different aspects.
In the Old Reality, the reasoning is that if destiny exists, then it controls everything and therefore free will does not exist. Or, conversely, you can prove that free will exists by making a choice, so there can be no destiny.
But, ... Maybe this "free will" choice was predestined... so the experience of choice was just an illusion.
When you step back and see destiny and free will from a broader perspective, you realize that nothing needs to be absolute.
Destiny and free will exist as intertwined facets of your life. Like threads in a tapestry, they interact with each other and intertwine to form the outcomes that are events.
Your destiny is created by the plan you made at the soul level of consciousness. Before you were born... So the minute you were born, the rules of the game required you to have amnesia about life in the physical realm.

However, at night when you go to sleep, you have the chance to visit the deeper levels of human consciousness and review how the original plan is unfolding and make changes if you wish.

When you return to your physical body and wake up in the morning, amnesia strikes again. But inner guidance is always available to anyone who pays attention.

Your intuition is your link to your soul, the inner being, which is also connected to the rest of the universe and all levels of Creation.

You are never left alone to grope in the darkness of a physical life. Your inner being is always there with you, expressing itself through the silent whispers of intuitive information. Thanks to this inner compass of knowing, you can always sense which choice feels right.
Fate is an influence that comes from your inner plane. It is a pressure that constantly seeks the best route to unfold into manifestation.

Free will provides the means to manifest that destiny in a way that provides the learning you came here to learn in this life.
Destiny is the plan. Free will is the action. Experience is the result.

That is what it is to be human.”~ excerpts from Spirituality Made Simple by Owen Waters.
Translation by Vilma Capuano

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