"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and Indigo guide to the galaxy - Equinox of equilibriums - 21.09.2024

SEPTEMBER 21 2024,

Please note that the following reading can be triggering, please take what resonates:

"I live in an abusive and controlling relationship with my husband,
dependant on him, scared to stand up for myself or leave
but I am a special soul, I sacrifice myself,
I teach him love and how to heal".

"I feel weak and frustrated as a man but they told me that I am the incarnation of a very special being, I must be very important to others"

"My children do not talk to me but that is because they do not understand spirituality,
it is their fault, my body is in pain,
I have tried to control their lives and show them what is correct for them,
I feel alone but I know that I am a special soul that they have not appreciated yet."

"I still live with my mother,
we have a very toxic relationship but I have the ability to channel and talk to angels because I am a special starseed on a mission"

"I am a special starseed soul,
here to only share positive messages with people and give them hope through these difficult times,
no need to mention darkness or the shadow parts because I am also scared of it,
we need to be positive at all times and give hope to people.
My health has been deteriorating but that is OK everything is love"

"My narcissistic parents have totally swallowed my being,
I am unable to support myself
but that's OK I came in this family to teach them,
I have a special mission as an earth angel, I must be very worthy"

"Me and my departed loved ones are one,
they are still here with me helping me and guiding me through life through the other side,
I have special abilities, I live in another world because this one is not for me, it is too harsh for me, I often think about departing this world but many starseed have these thoughts, don't they?"

"I excel in my work but have not been able to have a personal life, I suffer from depression,
I am really different and smart and people do not really get my brilliance"

"I give people so much but they do not appreciate my gifts, that's OK because I am a special starseed, that's what I am meant to do, one day they will see who I am, they will see my worth"

"I live with my parents, I don't have a house and life of my own and I have endured behaviours that I don't like, sometimes I become toxic and confused with my life
but I am called to travel and open energy gates, I am really needed for this purpose, one day they will see my true worth and love me"

"My health and body suffer greatly for many years but that is because of the ascension symptoms, I need to keep going as I am on a mission that is very much needed for ascension."

"I read so much information online,
I follow so many cleansing protocols and fastings, l make my body undergo extreme measures, no need to work with my emotional needs and talk about my true needs or go to therapy, people just don't get it, they are sleepers!"

"My family needs me,
I show them how to be saved and teach them about ascension,
I need to keep on living under their shadow
because I have a special mission in this family, I suffer from depression and substance abuse
but I am a starseed, they will soon see it"

"I am the black sheep of the family,
my life is full of blockages and disappointments and nothing works for me
but I am special and higher than everyone else in my family, I am here to show the truth in their faces and they don't like that that's why they oppose me, I am better than them.
"I am a very toxic and demanding man, difficult for everyone around me, they need fixing and discipline and I am showing them how to serve god. I am awake and chosen by god for this,
my inner violence is no problem"

"My Twin Flame does not know that I even exist, they have not awakened yet, they must be still under the negative influence of their wife/husband, my mission is to wake them up from afar so that one day we can be together as Twin Flames"

"I have many viewers who watch my channel's messages and analysis,
my family and children complain as they miss my actual presence, they often are angry at me
but I am on a special mission of truth to help humanity see the truth, I am worth millions of views!

"I have been adopted and abused, I don't have a family, they left me when I was a baby, I don't need them anyway,
my starseed family is my true family anyway,
nobody is supporting me, I suffer from paranoia, they are all fuckers, one day I will prove them wrong, I know all smart details and mechanics of Ascension and have unveiled so many truths, I am a special truther,
I suffer from depression, not really having the desire to connect to anyone, there is no meaning,
I am a loner, a soul that came from the future,
why can't they see the truth? "

"I am still emotionally connected to my mother, me and her have a very close relationship, she needs me so much as she is not very well lately. My Twin Flame must be dreaming of me these days,
I am her Twin Flame, one day she will remember and see it and she will turn back to me, I must connect to spirit even higher now and bring in the new energies so she might change, I must do this while having no life, my focus is on her, I feel depended in me somehow but that is OK,
I am an awakened earth angel"

"People love me and follow me,
I am teaching them ascension,
I don't have to work on my character, I have no shadow, no trauma,
I am a star seed on a mission, they need to wake up, change and listen"
"I feel all alone in this world, nobody gets my message and purpose,
the world needs to be saved, don't they see the deception?
that is why I am here, I am not here for me,
I am here for them, I get frustrated and angry when they don't listen to me, I have stomach and head issues,
I am on a divine mission in front of my computer, you need to change this state of this world so that I can exist in it too"

"I have no money to do all the things I want,
I depend on others for that but I know that money is an evil construct that they invented in order to control us, I suffer from insomnia and nervous problems, my feet hurt,
I can't do all the human stuff, I am a starseed no need to try for anything earthly, this is a lower vibrational reality, I am my starseed self"

"I come from a royal starseed family, I am the true royal seed, I don't need to work on my shadow, this is a fallen concept, don't let yourself fall for their crap,
they will pay for everything they did to us,
I am a bitter, angry and revengeful human
but no problem because I am an advanced indigo soul"

"Why do they charge money for healing?
They have to give it to me for free,
I am a special being, if they only knew who I am! Jesus didn't charge for anything! They are sleepers, I will continue exposing those who take advantage of people from my laptop at my parents home,
I am special and one day everything will be given to me for free, no need to work on my character, I am already awake you fools"

"It is OK I don't need others' recognition or appreciation for what I do, I do it for the good of the collective,
I do god's sacrificial work, you wouldn't understand,
it is just that I get angry sometimes and I suffer from autoimmune diseases, people continue doing the same things, I have no personal space, why don't they change?"

These are the clear Waters of Life and
they are meant to reveal the inner shadows.
All deceptions and distortions have their roots in the mental, emotional and physical narcissistic trauma of the younger self and the soul's journey and belief system.
The gift of Posidonia is the healing from the narcissistic trauma
and this will be totally clear until Neptune/Poseidon and Saturn/Kronos exit Pisces.
The Waters are here to break down all distorted perceptions about the self and others and
clear the field so that truth can be re-established.
Humanity has been suffering from insanity and illusion.
It is the human that is called to wake up from oblivion, take the lessons and then lead all other aspects of the Self out of the fallen spiral and into Life.
This was clearly announced back on March 23 when Saturn/Kronos entered Pisces they area of the abyss of the subconscious.
This is the Self pulling out its own parts from within the abyss.
It is a great blessing that we live in these times
because now the organic information that is needed in order for humanity to come out of distortion, shadow and illness and into Self knowing and accountability, power, freedom and sanity,
is fully available for all again!
True growth is here for everyone willing to be grounded here on the new Earth!
No one is perfect, not even god.
Let us embrace this truth and come in peace with everything that we could not recognise within the Self up until now.
This is a wonderful celebration of Life and a lesson in order to start living and enjoying life right here and now!
No more excuses!
The Sacred star formations that are taking place upon this Equinox are signifying the opening of the Galactic 999 portal that will be established during this next year.
They are of the highest spiritual blessings and will be truly enjoyed by those who are willing to be in touch with the inner truth and grounded to the reality of Life!
Healing is available and the false masks can be removed now.
All inner deceptions will either fall away in a smooth and grown up manner
or will become so big that they will totally misguide those individuals who still cultivate them.
The price of self deception
for this second group, it will be very heavy to carry and collapse will come in difficult ways for them in the future.
We will talk more on this
during our upcoming group session
on the Equinox

Those that have the inner call to join this session,
can message me for the details of participation.

For this very special time of the Equinox and the in-between period of the two eclipses and these are dates for
the 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery sessions.
- 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery
On Thursday, September 26 2024
at 19:00 Athens time zone

- 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery
On Tuesday, October 1 2024
at 17:00 Athens time zone.
For participation please email me
at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
Blessings from a clear mind!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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