"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - 9/9 Gateway - 2024

Hey Soul Tribe

Wishing everyone a wonderful 9-9 Portal

The lead up to this one felt very dense & like an inward compression did you feel that?

Are you closing our cycles within your personal life? Big Themes are Relationships, Purpose/Directions, Financial & just lack of Energy & Vitality & feeling disconnected from your dreams & visions. It could be one all many from these Themes -

What I can tell you is there is so much happening in the background multidimensionally that's opening up something so incredibly beautiful

The closing of old timelines especially as we move closer towards this Eclipse which kicks off in about a week, this one ties back to timelines & themes of 2015-2017 are you noticing this?
Losts of old shedding is shaking up the energy field, this time is a big preparation for this period of time we are moving through over the next few months.... It's a compression, completion & wrap up as we make our preparation for 2025, which isn't going to look or feel any like any other previous years!

As we allow ourselves to dig deep, clear out, comfortable in the uncomfortable it's really going to give us the greatest leverage for the expansion that's moving through to meet us!
Which is why I've been guide to run the Personal Ascension - Self Mastery Training during this time to get the most out of this powerful energetic time - For more information please email me at cosmicg8way@gmail.com

From my own observation as we've moved into September there has been lots of collective energetic debris in the field which has been created by a very powerful purification & release energy which is giving us the opportunity to shed energy imprints of memories, density and emotions we've held unknowingly. This is a powerful time where we are encouraged to make use of this space we are moving through see the opportunity in whatever is presented & navigate through via our heart centred approach.

This can create, unexpected situations that might seem challenging at first, however as you lean into understanding it from the soul/higher perspective you'll see the most incredible opportunity for your growth, self mastery & it heralds the doors to open wide for you to move further toward your New Earth pathway & purpose.

There is so much support as this time as the movement between worlds is so very noticeable. Living both simultaneously & through your heart you can access the lighter side. Dreams are especially important & vivid giving message and almost a healing quality coming through you of New Earth frequency that you can bring through in the present moment.

Physical symptoms are very heightened with this process you might notice:

Intense head pressure, crown & third eye, ongoing headaches as new conciousness pours in
Heart pressure as there is big energy allowing us to clear out old hurt or pain & to receive this new energy that's flowing in to help us navigate new terrain
Whole body aches as though you've been working out, this new energy is moving through our entire body changing our vibrational frequency
Chills, cold, shakes & vibration running through the body
Tiredness needing to rest at least the body as much as possible
Feeling the need to stay still, as this is an important incubation process

The best way to support yourself, stay well hydrated, get into nature if possible, rest, meditate and listen to what your body wants moment to moment. Giving yourself the time & space to connect with your heart

Sending much love
Alisha Braché

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