"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

There was a Super Full Moon this week, and usually I can't sleep during a full moon, now I'm sleeping like a log, I guess I'm just resting up for the week of not sleeping.

On Sunday, we welcome the Equinox, where astronomical autumn begins in our area, while spring arrives on the other side of the world. In the coming months, the days will get shorter and colder here. While in the summer the darkness of the night greets us at half past 9-10pm, this month it gets dark between at 7-8pm and will greet us earlier and earlier as we reach the winter period.

Austria is currently enjoying a period of beautiful early autumn sunshine, which has greatly helped the water recede in flooded areas. As I walked around my village in this week, in many places water was pumped out of the basements of the houses and flat areas into the street drains with hoses. The flooded roads are now passable and dry. Currently, the flood is in Hungary, but this weekend the Danube is at its peak and the Hungarians had time to prepare with sandbags and mobile dams.

Unfortunately, due to the sudden onset of bad weather, the migrating birds did not get enough food, became weak, cold, and in the worst case, they were caught in the rain and cold for several days right during their migration. 

"The extreme weather has now arrived right in the middle of the march preparations. The period until September 20 is the time of so-called hypereating, in this state the swallows consume several times their daily food requirement in order to accumulate fat and increase their pectoral muscles to an extreme size.

"Fat reserves are the primary fuel for retreat, but if they are really tight, they can also burn a few 10 percent from the huge pectoral muscles," Zoltán Orbán tells 24.hu. The birds, once they set off, are able to fly non-stop for 24 hours, so they can reach the Central and South African areas in four to five days, covering 1,000-1,200 kilometers per day.

Recognizing the persistent bad weather and lack of food, the swallows huddled en masse, warmed each other, and tried to find a sheltered place in populated areas to protect their existing energy reserves. Getting wet in this case can be fatal for them, as they use much more energy with wet feathers.

On the afternoon of the second day and the morning of the third day, no matter how bad the weather was, they were forced to fly again. That's when what we saw mainly on Sunday afternoon happened: they valued their reserves so much, burned their pectoral muscles, that wherever they were, they sagged or flopped down.
In this case, not only do they have no energy, but they also have no flying muscles"

A lot of swallows died and even more birds weakened and found shelter at best with bird rescues or volunteers. A Hungarian lady took in more than 300 migratory birds into her home and feeds them so that they can get stronger and travel later, but many of them have to spend the winter at home, as many of them have broken wings or are very weak. 

Unfortunately, I also found two dead swallows in my garden, they fell from the sky and unfortunately many people experienced this phenomenon, the news was also published in the mainstream media. Swallows belong to the summer, I watched them a lot year after year, as they chirped and flew in huge groups in the sky of the village in the late afternoon. Unfortunately, many people knock down swallows' nests, which is very unfortunate, since these birds feed on a lot of flying bugs and mosquitoes, and also because their numbers are decreasing year by year. I really hope to see them again next spring and summer.


This week, by request the blog's Telegram channel was launched and now the comment section is also working. It has also been added to the sidebar of my site, so you can access it at any time. If you want to join, you can do so here: https://t.me/beyondtheveil2017


In my previous BlogNews/Me News article, I wrote a lot about the flood, Cyclone Boris, weather manipulation, and how the elite manipulates them to provide a basis for their cause of global warming. Well, there are unpaid scientists who claim that CO2 is necessary for nature, since this is when vegetation really grows. I am copying the short article here:

"Currently active volcanos on 18 September 2024.
Actively balancing the low CO2 levels so that plant life does not start to die on our precious planet Earth. Here's a thought.
An extention of how little we know.
Our Earth is a living conscious organism.
It keeps balancing and resetting itself.
Is it possible that volcanos are a natural balancing act by the Earth to maintain an environment that allows life to flourish?

Today there are 29 volcanos spewing millions of tons CO2 into the atmosphere.
Is this because the current CO2 level is just above extinction at about 400 ppm?
At 200 ppm of CO2, all plant life starts to die. We need more CO2, not less.
Joust a thought.
Keep exploring.
Mainstream media continues to spread propaganda and misinformation as part of the climate change scam, which is mostly driven and paid for the global elite at WEF, and their paid puppets like, Gore, Gates, Kerry and Co.

Michael Tellinger"

Last year I also shared a video about how if we examine the CO2 level in the history of the Earth, we will find that it was much higher in the eons, but the Cabal only took a very small detail from this chart and drew it all on that" climate catastrophe", for which they also uses extreme weather created by weather manipulation. Cosmic energies and pole shift also contribute to these, so we can say that it is a generated and a natural process.

The elite want to limit us, to dictate how we traffic, what we drive (electric car mania) and they constantly keep us in a kind of shame that we caused this and because of us so many natural disasters are happening in the world "Look what you "slave" have done to the Earth". Their propaganda is that we are the scapegoats because we keep cows and drive our small cars, while they squeeze even more money out of our well-taxed salaries, while transporting themselves around the world with private planes, luxury ships, and cars. The rules either apply to everyone or no one. That's why I don't agree with those who just "talk to the air", but are exempt from all rules and they do the opposite.

Anyway, for this "blame" and "shame" thing, it occurred to me that maybe this is the reason that they able to keep us in this reincarnation wheel - the life review movie - "Look at what you did while you lived here... look how badly you hurt that person...look how egoic person you become, etc. they probably take advantage of our good-heartedness, our good faith and our conscience in such a vulnerable state as the intermediate existence after death where the physical ego has not yet completely dissolved and we have not yet fully connected to the highest light. But this is only one thought, one theory among many. If I were a dark being and I love to manipulate to my advantage, then this is what I would do - as above, so below - so don't be surprised that the same tools are used in this matrix as on other planes. Remember that these beings are masters of tricks, lies, manipulation and keeping the human race in complete darkness just by not sharing vital information or mixing lies with truth or simply giving it to us distorted.

Let's paddle towards more pleasant waters.

The new news is that the Earth will get a temporary moon for two months, as an asteroid is heading towards the Earth and will spin with us in the gravitational field of our Earth next to our Moon for a while. It also got a pretty name - 2024 PT5 and it should be known that it is around 33 feet long and came to us from within the asteroid Arjuna, which is 93 million miles away. This mini asteroid will accompany us from September 29 to November 25. The bad news is that the asteroid is too small to be seen with the naked eye or even most telescopes.

The closing chord of this week's post is a millennial song that our age group knows and loves very well, here is Safri Duo - Played-A-Live.

I wish for everybody a very good weekend and awesome next week :)

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