"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - X1.3 Solar Flare - 12.09.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

Have you felt the lighter energy start to filter through over the past few days?
Today, we had a large M Class Solar Flare, followed up with an X1.3

As we moved beyond the 9/9 Gateway, there has been a level of stillness, peace & more solidity.

Which has been such a nice relief, as the past few months have been traversing density & the feeling of being spread things through all the multidimensional work.

What I've observed over a number of years is in the lead up to be energetic & and activating times. Prior to big Collective Shifts & Changes.

Many of us are doing lots of the heavily lifting to get us to that point. Once the energetic preparation has been played out, we come back more fully here & present in this reality. This does one of two things it makes us more present here as now where the most important work takes place & it brings greater influexs of energy & Light!

It feels like that week this change over is occurring!
We are only a few days from the Eclipse, which kicks the highly anticipated time of the year where thing's starts really ramping up & everything starts to happen all at once!

Dream space has become highly vivid, what I've shown is many now are experiencing the New Earth Blueprint in dream space, the future timeline, as we wake we are bringing this energy through.

This week is the first of 3 significant timeline shifts & by November, we will be anchored into a much higher & vibrant timeline trajectory!
The most important point at that time is to hold those frequencies for our own experience & this will ripple out into the collective.

This is why I was strongly guided to offer the Personal Ascension- Self Mastery Training during this time to support people moving through these shifts & tools to hold space for this important time! Training starts Sunday, 15th September - for more information or to join, please email me at cosmicg8way@gmail.com

We are moving into some pretty incredible times
How are you navigating this time?
Are you having vivid & vibrant dream?

Sending much love
Alisha Braché
Connect for a Personal Soul Sessions:


  1. I keep having a dream where I am driving on the beach (in Texas you can do this) and the tide keeps getting closer and closer, we are trying to outrun it so we don't get swept into the ocean. I keep waking myself up in panic. For some reason I'm too scared to watch to the end.

    1. Hi, thank you for sharing. Very interesting this dream, and I hope this scenario won´t be in real life. I would be very curious what happen in the end of this dream. Stay safe and don´t be scared - you are protected :)
