"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Libra Equinox Sunday 22nd 2024

Our outer world is likely to become much more turbulent in the coming weeks and months, so if you can get into a default practice of dropping into the stillness of your heart and your breath; this is where you operate from in your life, your still point. Then you find you will have more coherence in your energy field, as well as every cell in your body.

The surges of new light codes are doing to so much to help change the outer reality now. Anything not borne of love is collapsing, as the frequency is no longer there to sustain it. Watch Hollywood, celebrities, and powerful public figures . . see it as the physics of energy playing out in manfestation, and take it as very positive evidence of how our world is changing. Truth is coming to light.

Once we move more fully into the lightbody we will be able to clearly see any untruths or deceptions in other people'e energy fields.

In the meantime, drop into stillness as often as you can. This Libra Equinox on Sunday 22nd is another big energy portal to help us evolve, enjoy:

From now on, from this Full SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, many of us are going to start becoming more psychically sensitive. This may be your inner sight (clairvoyant), your hearing, (clairaudient), your deep sense of knowing (claircognisant) or your physical, feeling sense (clairsentient). Start to tune into that in your quiet moments. When you are in nature, what are the trees saying to you? The birds? The plants? The streams? Try to fine tune your senses, especially in nature. This is part of gradually losing density and moving towards the lightbody. I find that in the Forest my senses become heightened, everything is in brighter colours, everything more abundant, rich, peaceful and glorious. It feels absolutely blissful. The more we can all feel this, the more we are sending bliss into the collective for the highest good and expansion of loving consciousness for the Earth, and all humanity. Blessings to you all.

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