"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Moments & How to stay "on the way" - 27.09.2024

Moments ...

“No matter how unbalanced everything seems to you right now, there are small, sparkling moments of Hope and Joy.
Today, the Universe is asking you to focus on those seemingly inconsistent spaces of time and bring them into the light.
The more you choose to do that, the more often you will see them flowing from you and others.
Your world has spent enough time delighting in the negative, it’s time to embrace and celebrate the Positive! " ~Creator by Jennifer Farley
"Life is full of surprises. Begin to see each one as another step towards a higher consciousness.
Don't cancel, deny or ignore whatever comes your way. Accept, take in and allow everything to Flow. " ~Kejraj



"We weave our life and then we move in it." We are like the dreamer, who dreams and then lives in the dream. " ~The Upanishad
In the face of the new paradigm on the ground plane changing patterns and relationships, walking The Path can be challenging to live multidimensional as a Divine Human Being.
Maintain your expansion with: 1 SELF-CARE in what feeds the physical, and in what you think and feel. 2. COURAGE to resist the conditions of the "System" for consumer satisfaction.
3. COMMITMENT to say “Yes” to Your Higher Self’s Guidance Voice in self-direction for you to take your place on the Universal Web of Life.
During the transmutation stages, while the metabolization of Light that cleanses all the densities embedded in DNA for the restoration of the Divine Original, there also occurs the re-access to the connection with the infinite space of the Sacred Heart: the Door to the inner Holy Grail.
This leads to exhaustion in the physical body and some kind of illness can occur for the elimination of ancestral toxins, and this and other lives during the activations of the Crystal Light Body.
To stay connected you need to constantly sustain yourself: A simple way is to visualize yourself with a white light armor to protect your energy field in any environment you are in.
A few years ago, in a shamanic ritual supported by the Pleiadian people, I discovered I had a life in the Ojibwa Tribe – a people very peaceful and shy in their relationships, who enjoy staying in the privacy of their huts; and who like all native people know they came from the Stars.
They were the ones who created the "Dream Filter", with the Circle representing the Sun, Eternity and the force of the Universe. The Web is our soul and free will. And the feathers Breath and Air.
That's why I share with you this beautiful Ojibwa Prayer, which strengthens us to continue on the Way:
"O Great Spirit, whose Voice I hear in the winds and whose Breath gives life to all things, listen to me... I come as one of your many son(s) ; ... I need your wisdom and your strength
Let me walk in Beauty and let my eyes always see the red and purple sunsets.
Make my hands respect the things You have created, and let my ears hear Your voice.
Make me wise (a), so I can understand what You have taught my people and the lessons You have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I ask Him for strength and wisdom, not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight myself (a) as my greatest enemy.
Always make me ready to come before You with clean hands and a straight look.
So when my life comes to an end like a sunset, my spirit can come to You without shame. "
Wilma Capuano

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