"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

It's the end of September and I've had a headache for the third day and I've been sleepy and tired lately. The equinox energies have pulled me a bit and I need to get all my strength together to be able to function in some form these days. I can tell you that this month has not been my month and I can only hope that the next one will be better, or that I will somehow have more energy to do what I want to do.

Also since four week my cat has disappeared, and I don't know if she has replaced us with another family or moved to the afterlife. I have searched in and around the village, on internet and facebook pages, but have not found her. I also asked in meditation but they didn't tell me anything. Her brother missed her too, as they used to sleep cuddled up together indoors or out in the garden and now they don't chase each other in the garden in the morning and he can't bulling her anymore.

If I have the energy I'll do my hobby in the meantime, but I'm taking it slow, it's hard, especially as most of the picture uses about 12 different greens and about the same number of other colours for the flowers, but it'll be nice.

Since I love sci-fi and fantasy movies, I watched a new movie on Netflix called Uglies. It's a teen movie, but I think its message is very relevant in this modern world.

After the apocalypse, a new utopian city was built, based on an energy source that did not exploit the world. In this futuristic city, young people until the age of 16 are called Uglies and live separately from the rest of society. When they turn 16, they undergo a transformation - an operation that make them their perfect selves - "beautifies" and harmonizes them and they can enter the city and live their lives as Pretties, with the face and body they want.

But there is a rumour among teenagers that there is another alternative - Smoke - where appearance is not important, but inner value and anyone is accepted no matter how they look and offering freedom. Some young "student" ran away to move to this place, from which no one has ever returned, so it circulates in the public consciousness as a kind of legend. Of course, the "system" is challenged by this alternative lifestyle and will do anything to trample this place.

Our main character is Tally, who dreams of finally turning 16 and passing the surgery, so that she can finally be beautiful and be accepted. Her best friend Peris undergoes surgery earlier, but before that, they promise to look for each other and not forget who they were before and they will meet,...and this is where the plot begins.

But why is this film relevant in our world? First of all, the system. When we are born and raised in a system, we become servants of the system, because that is our reality and we believe everything in it. If the system teaches us that we are ugly because we are not perfect, we believe it. In our world, the media and the many influencers make us believe that we are only beautiful and desirable if we put half a kilo of mascara on our faces, if we are thin, if we do this and that, etc.

In this world, looks are much more important than inner values, and the system wants to make girls into silicone kittens, and boys into muscular jerks, and both of them into empty-headed nodding sheep who do everything to keep the system alive. The trend is still changing, but the new direction is the masculine woman and the femininity man, to further distort the original template - i.e. the divine feminine and the divine masculine. If there is no unity and natural equality between the two sexes, they will forever be at war with each other and with themselves.

In the movie, this system is used to program young people so that they can only be part of society if they undergo the surgery as a duty and no free will on it i.e. become beautiful. It does not offer an alternative, if someone wants to remain "themself" and accepts it whatever beauty flaw they have, the system are reject them and try to convince and even force them to remain part of this society. The system does not like to lose, just like our "matrix". If we want to break out, it arranges things in such a way that we feel uncertain, makes tons of obstacles and it is difficult to break out of it.

Tally trusts the system, she believes what the system master tells her, but at some point she realizes that her whole life is a lie and the system is a lie, and from then on she does her best to make things right.

Are you prepared for the fact that the whole system we live in is a lie? What we have learned so far and thought about this world is actually not true? History, events, technology, religion, politics, media personalities, taxation, the universe, ourselves, the Earth itself? It will be exciting...

A little spoiler ahead, so don't read if you want to watch this movie. The operator of the system, the governing lady, admits that the operation is not only to make people beautiful, but actually erases a part of their personality, so that in fact people just "vegetate" in this system. The intervention modifies a part of their brain to dumb them down, making it easier to control and maintain their society. While in this film they dumbed down the people via operation, in ours we get dumbed down with propaganda, media, different kind of poisons and radiation so that we are become like a sheep. But some people are born with an extra rebel gene, like you who are reading these lines, because somehow your awakening has started, despite all the control-manipulation and lies. You should pat your back about it, many in humanity are not so lucky and for them will be extra hard this way when everything crumble around them and they find out that the all system - their life - was a lie. 

Of course, we all have beauty flaws, and they somehow merge with our personality to form our complete character. Some people accept themselves the way they are, if they don't like something, they try to get rid of it naturally like diet, and some people spend a lot of money to undergo plastic surgery. Many media stars and influencers popularize these interventions, and the biggest fraud is when they declare themselves natural and keep quiet that they have undergone several such beauty interventions, and in the worst case, they flood the media with an abundance of filters and photoshop. In fact, this is bad for young people, since feedback from the outside world is very important to them and when the Internet is full of fake images and irrational beauty ideals, many people can´t accept themself, make war with their own appearance and body and lose their self-worth. This is compounded by a lot of school bullying too.

Who we find beautiful and who we don't is completely individual, the same as what music we like and what kind of picture we like. In many cases, there is something about our appearance that we don't like, but our partner, family and friends likes it.

Who does what with their body, I think, is everyone's private matter above a certain age, since they have to look in the mirror every single day. BUT only meeting social expectations and the often irrational ideas and trends of our society in such a field...that's where the trouble starts. South Korea has become famous for its obsession with beauty, and unfortunately, these expectations from society and parents push a lot of young teenagers into cosmetic procedures, as if nothing else is important, only appearance.

That's when you should think that you should do it for yourself, not because it's something "trendy" and what society wants. Today is duck-mouth, tomorrow snake tong - who knows what become a trend nowadays - every stupidity can happen at every time. Unfortunately, these "trends" come and go and actually further deepen the gap from healthy self-acceptance and the beauty radiated by the soul.

The beauty of the body is like a rose, beautiful but fades after a while, but the beauty of the soul is eternal, as it flows and embraces the body whatever is your age, is the matter. The inner values ​​and uplifting energies we radiate should be just as important as our exterior. I'd rather be socially unwanted but myself with a warm energy than a dozen celeb copycats - but that's my point :)

This song is for everyone and shine because you are amazing and beautiful :)

I wish for you a very good weekend and good transition into the next month :)


  1. I wish you well and wish the new month be much kinder and happier for you, and all around you. I thank you for being you. happy weekend one and all. 🙂🙏

    1. Thank you so much your wishes and your kind words :) I wish the best for you too :)
