"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - a life changing equinox - 22.09.2024

This is potentially a life changing equinox in so many ways as the old paradigm dissolves even more.
Note, this is within you as well.

So much of the old stuff, the old things, the old patterns of pain and suffering, are surfacing, or have surfaced, to say their final goodbyes. Release, forgive self and others and let go. This means duality and separation as well and all mud slinging, name calling and all labels as well. Those days are finally over.

Kiss it all farewell and thank all and everyone for the lessons they brought, bless them and now go forward in love, with love and through love, for there is only one.

You may feel yourself in a kind of limbo as this happens. Breathe deeply, go into nature and the still point within, and learn to simply be. Surrender to the mighty flow of the rivers of life, while you are being prepared for the next steps or pathways. You are in the process of liquidation of the old you and the forming of the new illumined you, and metamorphing into your true highest soul self.

It is a life changing journey in itself and a cosmic one. A soul journey and not just a destination. You are being prepared for universal mastery, which will continue long after you have left the earthly planes of existence, as your eternal and infinite soul journeys on.
You are here for a single eyewink in eternity.

Find inner peace, joy and deep illumination within, as you simply await the next steps in the perfect unfolding of the Divine masterplan within and without.
We are moving into the unified field of Divine Will and Unity now.
The unified field of ONE.
One Heart.
One Soul.
One Being.
And so it is!

Powerful cosmic energies pouring in since last night and more to come.

Photo: All credit to the artist

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