"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alexander Quinn - Course correction - between 2 Eclipses - 26.09.2024

Energy Update -

An explanation to how you might be feeling and why + Arcturian Message:

We are currently experiencing a period of significant acceleration in various energetic and environmental factors, including a combination of astronomical, geophysical, and psychological phenomena. Right now, we are situated between two eclipse events, occurring only 16 days apart, with the Sun, Earth, and Moon aligning in such a way that either the Moon blocks the Sun or the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon. These events not only have visible effects but also result in temporary shifts in the Earth's gravitational forces and electromagnetic fields, which can influence both physical and biological systems, sometimes presenting as disorientation.

"I feel off, a little dazed and confused. What day of the week is it again, please?"

This "course correction" energy we are experiencing within this 16-day window, sandwiched between the two eclipse energies, can illuminate the illusion of how disruptive natural events can prompt shifts in our personal and social systems. During significant changes, such as double eclipse energy, we may experience a sense of reorganisation in our lives. This is not only psychological but also linked to the body's response to environmental changes in gravity and electromagnetic fields, which are currently pushing our bodies' chemical, electrical, and biological systems to their limits. So for those of you with family who struggle with the woo woo spiritual bit, the science is also in accordance.

Periods of stress or change often prompt lightworkers to realign their priorities or remove aspects of life that no longer serve their well-being or short-term goals and even in some cases long term goals during heightened periods like this. Scientifically, the brain responds to these changes by creating new neural pathways, which is why we may feel as if old habits or ways of thinking are "falling away."

The metaphor of a tsunami can be understood as a psychological analogy. Just as a tsunami first pulls water away from the shore before returning with powerful force, this period may feel like a temporary withdrawal of energy or stability, followed by a significant surge of new information or experiences. These types of disruptions can sometimes activate a stress response, but they also enable adaptive behaviour and personal growth, particularly during periods of heightened solar activity, which is known to affect the Earth's magnetosphere and biological rhythms.

The 16-day window between eclipses coincides with the adage of the equinox, adding further energy and creating a balance of day and night across the globe. The equinox represents balance and equilibrium, and from one standpoint, and it can serve as a metaphor for the body's attempt to find homeostasis—a state of internal stability—amid enormous internal and external changes. Psychologically, moments of equilibrium like this offer the starseed or light worker a chance to recalibrate their own lives, finding balance between work, relationships, and personal needs. For this reason, some light workers may feel the urge to retreat from social media and cultural or social expectations temporarily. Think of the Hermit card in Tarot.

Recently, people have asked why I haven't posted any new videos on YouTube. As guided by my Arcturian and his reasoning which was as follows:

"The current level of information, or 'light data' arriving in this context, is sufficient for light workers to process. The human brain has limits on how much new information it can integrate at once. There's a concept on your earth known in cognitive psychology known as 'information overload.' The collective, or broader population, are at a point where further information could exceed the ability to effectively process and apply it. In October, it will be more appropriate to introduce new material after starseeds and lightworkers have had time to adapt. Whilst your material may be well received Alexander, the light worker is better suited within this short period to integrating the existing light data without further interference including from yourself. The transition from your month of September to October coming shortly will be an advantageous time to begin transmissions again in the coming days. There will be those who feel that they have sailed through this portal on waters of dead calm, but even those souls will need integration as the they still have corporal bodies that must alchemise before what is to come in your wonderful ascension journey of further incoming upgrades before we make ourselves known more publicly to your planet"

Iawat An Sha -
Arcturian Light Command -
Bootes Constellation

Lastly, the changes some are facing regarding honouring current social norms, work expectations, or family obligations are common during times of intense personal or societal change in these energies. Neuroscientifically, people in high-stress or transformative periods often feel the need to withdraw or pause commitments. This is a natural response, as the brain allocates more energy toward managing internal change rather than external responsibilities including elements of your changing light body. The feeling of wanting to step back and re-evaluate priorities should be honoured as part of a healthy adaptive process, and some self-pampering is needed right now. Don't guilt-trip yourself. It's likely you need it in this window. Use it and enjoy if you are able.

In summary, these periods of change are not only scientifically explainable, but also provide opportunities for personal growth and adaptation. I will be sharing more videos soon on YouTube very shortly as per the instruction of my Arcturian and will be seeing everyone very soon. I will resume Telegram and Facebook ( nearly daily ) outside of my client work during the day. For those searching for those links they are under all of my videos.

All my love,�AQ

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