"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Blog News/Me News - 17.09.2024

The Telegram channel of the blog has been launched yesterday and if you want to join, the link is: https://t.me/beyondtheveil2017

The link to the articles posted on the blog will be available there as well, and there may be other content as well - it will be revealed along the way. I'm completely new to this platform, you could say noob, but I'm "learning and experimenting".

I registered under my own name and created a channel for the blog, so don't be afraid that I use my real name, which is Andrea and not Kira - which is my internet/writer name a long time and I really like it and it's easier to work with and remember than my beautiful family name, which is constantly misspelled 😅

The rain has finally stopped today, but the weather is still gloomy and the temperature is below 10 degrees. I kept reading the news about the flooding on Sunday and Monday, and I'm "thankful" that I came home on Saturday, because on Sunday I could only have come back to Austria with a great turnaround or not at all, since several road sections were closed especially in Wien. Unfortunately, several settlements were evacuated, as the earth dam broke in one place, and several settlements were flooded. Inland water is also a big problem, and many fields are under water, as there are still crops that have not been harvested yet. This year's harvest of pumpkins, sugar beets, potatoes, corn and sunflowers will not be good.

The firefighters worked continuously and the communities thanked them for their work with food and lots of cakes.

Firefighters hold it in high esteem, especially in small settlements, because if something happens, they go there to help, whether it's a fire, flood, fallen tree, helping or accident. It still works in Austria the siren sound "test" for every week, as well as a big tentative every year where each siren sequence is played. If the siren sounds outside of the appointed time, then something is wrong, but in most cases it is more for the firefighters.

Every town and village, whether big or small, has a firefighter station, perhaps that is why village festivals are called Firefighter festivals and not village days, as in Hungary. In such cases, the employees of the fire department serve the guests with food and drinks, and the volunteers help with their work. The firefighters greet the population on New Year's Day by going from house to house in festive clothes and giving everyone a year-end report on what they did during the year, how much money they spent and for what, their members, their training, etc. and at this time we usually give them monetary donations, which are used to equip or modernize the local firefighter department.

We got through the rainy days "thanks to God", no damage was done, although it takes time for the basement to dry out. Unfortunately, my neighbour across the street was not so lucky, as they have been continuously pumping water from their basements since yesterday. The village's sewer network passed the test, as it absorbed all the water without a problem. Electricity, water and gas supply, as well as traffic also without problems. But unfortunately, many were not so lucky. They took an aerial video of Niederösterreich- lower Austria, I also live here - which was declared a disaster zone and I am sharing this video here.

Many have suggested that this cyclone was not natural, that Haarp and other weather influencing technology were likely deployed to create such an "anomaly" over Central Europe. Floods used to happen in the spring, but there haven't been any for years, except this year, and it's absolutely unusual, and even new, to have such a large amount of rain and flooding in September.

The ice damage mitigation system in the countries should also be mentioned. I know for sure that it works in Hungary. It is a weather influencing system designed to reduce ice damage to agricultural land and cities. The system operates between May 1st and September 30th every year. The automatic ice damage mitigation ground generators release acetone silver iodide into the atmosphere and this substance creates the artificial precipitation points at an altitude of two or three thousand meters, on which small pieces of ice form.

In Austria, in the summer in our area there is usually hail during storms, but these come with small pieces and with rain. This summer (2024) dry hail fell (it did not come with precipitation) and it was about the size of walnuts and peaches, and it was quite terrifying, as the village was filled with the sound of knocking and "continuous glass breaking".

The question here is in whose interest was it to "order" and carry out this natural disaster, and for what reason. There will be parliamentary elections in Austria on September 29th, and it is not a member of NATO, if we had been warned about that, or maybe because they do not support Ukraine enough? Or perhaps Austria was being retaliated against for the Cabal breakaway attempt? Or was it simply an additional loss, and the goal was actually Hungary-Romania-Czech Republic-Poland?

It is certain that the Cabal and its minions will use this as an example for their Global Warming project, so that they can ask even more money and introduce even more restrictions. For them, it was a perfect disaster to support the global warming propaganda in practice.

I would also like to add that there was news in Hungary last week that the highway near Debrecen was foaming white during a rainy day. Many people mentioned in the comments that, unfortunately, this is not a new thing, since many people in different parts of the country have observed that the water "foams" during the rainy days. The competent authorities "smeared" the matter with fresh asphalt and the traffic and anyone who said otherwise became a "conspiracy theorist" person again.

I would also like to mention that when I was out in our yard to take out the trash, my skin and head were itching strangely after the rain. 

Due to the continuous "chemtrails" of the airplanes, as well as the many weather influencing systems, and factories these substances come down with rain and can produce such "unnatural" "sights". Healthy? Absolutely not, but these substances have already seeped into everything and we eat - drink - inhale. It would be nice if it was finally over... but we are still conspiracy theory-producing people for the majority.

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