"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - A day of true illumination, the Holy Spirit´s blessing - 04.09.2024


When we talk about syn-chronisation of the Yin and the Yang
we talk about the true awakening
via the restoration of the circuits and nodes
of the Divine Kundalini back to their organic state in relation to the higher energies of the planets.
This is not a matter of forgiveness,
it is a matter of true, honest and fair correction
via self examination of how one did in the fallen journey, including what took place before this.
There are a lot of lessons to be taken.
Those who say that there are no lessons,
are probably still in denial of where they are and how they ended up here.
Earth is a school for the Souls.
Only once the
lessons are taken,
then, One can be free to co-create with the living Energy as a conscious creator.


Little children often have a distorted view of the world and of themselves via a false sense of personal power
and easily take on the weight and responsibility that belongs to the parents and
sacrifice their own needs, abilities and well being in order to support and fulfil their dreams and needs.
This is an unnatural position that goes against the natural law which is devastating for the soul and it has a very expensive price to pay in the overall life of the child but also of its later on adult life.
The child does this because it needs to survive and also satisfy its emotional needs.
The child is in an unconscious reaction because it is in a survival mode.
But sacrifice is the highest form of initiation for a Soul and it is advised to only take place when an adult Soul is truly realised,
knows the self and is aware of the results of such choice.
If this is not the case, than it is only an act of desperation and last resort solution
that will bring difficult results which will take years if not lifetimes, to correct and heal.
If you wish to sacrifice yourself or save others,
it would be wise to first be in a living connection with your soul and spirit and desires,
get to know yourself,
live to the fullest, satisfy your needs and enjoy the earthly experience as much as you need it.
Please do not make up stories of higher good and spiritual greatness
just because your inner child is still trapped in a weak, fearful and unsatisfied position.
Work with your inner child in order to clear its misunderstandings and guide it towards a healthy direction out of codependency, illusion, victim hood and lack of self esteem and into self acceptance.
Everything is interconnected, everything!
And all aspects of the self are bound to repeat the same lessons in the quantum until one of the aspects gets it right and begins to reconnect to Source bringing truth and getting the lesson in for all the rest of the aspects.
There was no right or wrong but there were excuses
BUT now
there are no more excuses to keep on the self deception.
They never worked anyway.


Aspects of the Twin Flames became agents of the dark plans in the fallen reality
because of immaturity, weakness, unsatisfied ambitions and needs and lack of experience.
Many are still are in this state, chasing false loves and goals,
still in denial of the most obvious.
This is now ending as the syn-chronisation that is taking place brings everyone in front of their responsibilities in order to face the self on all levels.
It was all an inner job.
Correction is taking place for all and the smartest and easiest thing to do now is to surrender and love the process.
Mental analysis is not enough for one to heal and be realised and fooling the self is a detrimental strategy.
Healing takes the whole self to be included,
meaning even all of those parts that the mind rejected or covered out of fear, despair because of the lack of information, resources and choices.
As we move towards this upcoming Equinox
which is the first major point of equilibrium and syn-chronisation for the Twin Flames,
the revelations and realisations will be proportionally increasing like never before.
We have been transforming our own astrological charts
and we are still doing it step by step.
This is the work on the restoration of the Kundalini.
Please leave other people alone
(including your children)
do not use them as a projection of your dreams and fulfillment,
as a bunching bag or an excuse for the unresolved needs and purposes of your inner child.
Turn within,
face your true needs and dreams and do your inner work,
do your therapy in a responsible way.
Everything you are experiencing is created by you for you.
Decode it and you will have decoded your own self in the Light of Illumination!
There is nothing more precious and satisfying than this!
This illumination will directly illuminate your Self and true path right in front of you
but also what you are meant to do or be,
will be there, clear and available.
Today and the next two days are a beautiful opportunity of liberation, true self knowing and illumination.
Use it to your best of ability!
Let the Holy Spirit bless you so that you can
clear your discernment and path.
Embrace self honesty and confess your needs, desires and ambitions!
Be who you are!
Let other people's programs and expectations with them.
Love yourself directly and connect to your own and true ones,
you do not need 'middle-men' for this.
Follow your true self via the heart.
You will never be like anyone else!
You were always meant to be You!
Honour that God given right and fact and you will feel complete and satisfied!
You will feel whole and worthy once you choose you!
The hearts are meant to open know!
Love is Here, Present, like never before! Invite it in!
It is Yours, enjoy it!

We start our session in a few hours!
Those that have the inner call to join this work,
can message me for the details of participation.

following are the new dates for
5D Spiritual Healing Surgery sessions.
Please note that
I have been guided to have two different 5D healing sessions in the period between the two upcoming eclipses
in order to offer more support on the major changes, healing liberation, releasing from the old energies and upgrade that they will bring,
so please make sure that you book your place on time.

- 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery
On Thursday, September 26 2024
at 19:00 Athens time zone.

- 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery
On Tuesday, October 1 2024
at 17:00 Athens time zone.
For participation please email me
at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
Blessings of Illumination!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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