"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alexander Quinn - Remember that your majesty, magic and beauty are in your imperfections and what makes you different

The only message I want to depart today is one devoid of complexity, but one of love. You’re going through a lot of changes at the moment. More than you are aware in various dimensions and densities. Remember that your majesty, magic and beauty are in your imperfections and what makes you different. These are times of enormous change. Do not be hyper critical of yourself. There are going to be ups and downs through this process. Rainbows are not created without the presence of rain. Wherever you are today, whatever you are doing. Look in the mirror, and tell yourself that you came to change the way an entire planet operates. No small feat. You are magical lightworkers and starseeds. You can do anything you put your heart to. Give yourself that extra bit of love today. You deserve it. AQ

Crystal and Indigo guide to the galaxy - The unformed light energy update - 18.09.2024


This is another reset.
One that will be pulling people back into alignment to their soul and spirit.
The greatest initiation in the Waters of Life.
The insanity that humanity has been suffering from
is getting more and more obvious via the unprecedented events that are taking place.
Past karmic actions are playing a huge role now.
If there is heavy unaddressed karma,
the universal answer will be heavy.
Crimes against humanity are non stop and trauma runs deep.
The current energies can make some feel overconfident,
miscalculate the consequences of their actions and suddenly find themselves in the position of total defeat and empty handed.
Is humanity seeking another experience that will be shocking in order to learn?
How will humanity deal with the extreme lessons this time?
Every person that appears in the arena
as important or a saviour, is still coming from the depths of the false patriarchy and its mindset.
This will be changing in the years to come and even
the last illusions that any real change can come from that false saviours, will fall away.
There is a lot of disappointment ahead for those who are still cultivating dishonesty, illusion and denial within.
This is the time of self realisation and growth and important truths must be confessed to the Self and be realised
before someone is ready to restart.

Twin Flames,
before you declare someone as your Twin Flame or the man/woman of your life,
please make sure that you have healed your relationship with your mother and father
to a satisfying degree via true self knowledge,
otherwise there will be many disappointments in this area too.
This is the time when lies fade and become weak
and Truth grows stronger and becomes established!


''Some ships will vanish, some will sink, others
will redirect and few ones will continue their aligned course!''

The more the field is being cleared from the last remaining fallen structures,
the more energies are being redirected towards their true place/position
and previously long inactivated organic powers, are getting reactivated.
This means that there is a huge wave of empowerment for those aligned to the truth that is here,
even though the world seems to be sinking more and more into chaos and ugliness.
The Light that is arriving is still UNFORMED.
The codes are still blinding.
We have not yet become fully attuned to this Light,
it is still undefined to our eyes and senses.
Please remember this detail 'still unformed'.
We are the Ones that will have to adjust to this Light,
not the other way around and for this to take place a true inner change has to take place first.
This includes a change in the human biology too.
The new vortex/shell of the Mother that opened a few weeks ago
is directly connected to health
and this has a very powerful significance
because we will witness a great revival of those truths that were lost and forgotten
and we will experience a big turn to the natural ways.
All messages that arriving from Posidonia are positive and clear.
There is no sacrifice needed anymore, there is no more obscurity, no more denial.
Everything is being brought to the Light!
This is the blessing of dharma!

We will talk more on all the above
during our upcoming group session
on the Equinox

Those that have the inner call to join this session,
can message me for the details of participation.

Following are the new dates for
5D Spiritual Healing Surgery sessions.
- 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery
On Thursday, September 26 2024
at 19:00 Athens time zone

- 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery
On Tuesday, October 1 2024
at 17:00 Athens time zone.
For participation please email me
at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
Blessings from the Waters!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

Vilma Capuano - Your trust in the information - 19.09.2024


This is spiritual guidance for the Baby Boomer Generation (born between 1940 and 1960), Generation X (between 1960 and 1970), Millennials or Y (born in the early 1980s to 1995/2000), Generation Z (born between 1995/2000 to 2010), Generation Alpha (born after 2010.
Why are we always quick to trust negative predictions, but never so quick to trust positive predictions?
You might read on the internet that "World War III is starting!" and then you want to build bunkers...
Or someone says that a huge "financial crisis" is coming, and you want to run to the bank.
All co-creation-manifestation occurs when thought meets emotion to intend actions in your life.
... ** ... **
“In the old Reality, things are seen as opposites – good or bad... In the expanded view of In the New Reality consciousness, life is seen as unified. Opposite sides of the coin are seen as just different aspects.
In the Old Reality, the reasoning is that if destiny exists, then it controls everything and therefore free will does not exist. Or, conversely, you can prove that free will exists by making a choice, so there can be no destiny.
But, ... Maybe this "free will" choice was predestined... so the experience of choice was just an illusion.
When you step back and see destiny and free will from a broader perspective, you realize that nothing needs to be absolute.
Destiny and free will exist as intertwined facets of your life. Like threads in a tapestry, they interact with each other and intertwine to form the outcomes that are events.
Your destiny is created by the plan you made at the soul level of consciousness. Before you were born... So the minute you were born, the rules of the game required you to have amnesia about life in the physical realm.

However, at night when you go to sleep, you have the chance to visit the deeper levels of human consciousness and review how the original plan is unfolding and make changes if you wish.

When you return to your physical body and wake up in the morning, amnesia strikes again. But inner guidance is always available to anyone who pays attention.

Your intuition is your link to your soul, the inner being, which is also connected to the rest of the universe and all levels of Creation.

You are never left alone to grope in the darkness of a physical life. Your inner being is always there with you, expressing itself through the silent whispers of intuitive information. Thanks to this inner compass of knowing, you can always sense which choice feels right.
Fate is an influence that comes from your inner plane. It is a pressure that constantly seeks the best route to unfold into manifestation.

Free will provides the means to manifest that destiny in a way that provides the learning you came here to learn in this life.
Destiny is the plan. Free will is the action. Experience is the result.

That is what it is to be human.”~ excerpts from Spirituality Made Simple by Owen Waters.
Translation by Vilma Capuano

Natalia Alba - preparing for the next phase of embracing an equal partnership - 18.09.2024

Beloved Ones,

During this Piscean eclipse onwards many of you, whether in solitary or with your divine counterpart have received, or will, an activation like never before in your ascension journey. The eclipse in Pisces revealed all we need to heal, unify, and clear, so we can continue stepping into this New Era that Pluto in Aquarius introduced and that many of us are already anchoring within.

After a long period of deep healing and restoration, many of you are awakening now your female and masculine energies, preparing for the next phase of embracing an equal partnership, if it is meant to be for the highest good of All involved. A phase my Guides called a stage of solar synthesis and depolarization, that the current energies facilitate, as we continue creating more unity within.

The eclipse in Pisces has also activated a new planetary mission for many of you who are on divine reunions, bringing a mission of planetary unification and restoration, for the planet is now becoming ready for the ones who came to literally recode our planetary template.

Many couples are ready now to unite as One, being spiritually activated, which means to have awakened their shoulder female and masculine blade portals, and the twin Christic seed in both of them, serving Creation as One to bring something that will benefit All.

Pisces helps us in polarity integration, serving individually or in sacred partnership, for some of you already came with a unified template, serving Creation without the need of a divine counterpart, for not everyone came with the same mission and blueprint.

We are still surrounded by the Piscean eclipse and the many plasmatic waves from it together with the ones that now sum up from the Equinox, as the Sun moves in Libra. It is time for stabilizers to anchor the harmonic frequencies from the Equinox and later from the last solar eclipse in Libra.

We begin now a phase of solar synthesis (unity and hence depolarization) that many of you are experiencing in solitary while others are in divine partnership, depending on your assigned mission, which is why stabilization is key, for we are yet synthesizing the Sol plasma waves together with the Auroras and Piscean eclipse in our bodies. Liquid Gold plasma assists us in merging our female and masculine energies, emerging as solar unified beings, for as the sun, we are too divine luminaires, sharing light, love, and wisdom with All.

This is a phase in which many are too awakening their solar bodies, essential to retrieve their angelic sixth-dimensional body and start the process of physical transformation that many of you are now undergoing.

Every symptom, that is not a medical condition, and every sensation must be witnessed from a grounded and natural perspective, for our bodies speak to us constantly. Every symptom may express where we are reticent to leave the past and move forward, where we are not listening to our soul, where we are forcing ourselves or our bodies, or where we are finally releasing, clearing, and opening new energetic venues for us to step into.

Many of you will feel many different sensations in your shoulder blades, as a sign that you are being called to awaken and unified them, or are already under this process. if you are on a divine reunion these sensations may be intensified, especially if both work at the same level of transfiguration, and polarities retrieval.

All is happening for us to see where we are and what we need to do to get to our next destination. Nothing is ever a curse or a punishment but a powerful ally to teach us how to get to where we wish to be.

When we surrender and embrace each moment as it is, we create flow, alignment, and the opportunity for unity and co-creation. When we resist we perpetuate stagnation and avoid closure, creating more frustration.

Pisces reminds us to let go, embrace the new, and stand tall in who we have become, so we can now move into a new direction, one filled with all the blessings we are meant to receive, for it is our birthright to live within divine love, joy, and harmony.
I wish you a loving and peaceful stabilizing new passage, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Encoded Frequency

Pam Gregory - Libra Equinox Sunday 22nd 2024

Our outer world is likely to become much more turbulent in the coming weeks and months, so if you can get into a default practice of dropping into the stillness of your heart and your breath; this is where you operate from in your life, your still point. Then you find you will have more coherence in your energy field, as well as every cell in your body.

The surges of new light codes are doing to so much to help change the outer reality now. Anything not borne of love is collapsing, as the frequency is no longer there to sustain it. Watch Hollywood, celebrities, and powerful public figures . . see it as the physics of energy playing out in manfestation, and take it as very positive evidence of how our world is changing. Truth is coming to light.

Once we move more fully into the lightbody we will be able to clearly see any untruths or deceptions in other people'e energy fields.

In the meantime, drop into stillness as often as you can. This Libra Equinox on Sunday 22nd is another big energy portal to help us evolve, enjoy:

From now on, from this Full SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, many of us are going to start becoming more psychically sensitive. This may be your inner sight (clairvoyant), your hearing, (clairaudient), your deep sense of knowing (claircognisant) or your physical, feeling sense (clairsentient). Start to tune into that in your quiet moments. When you are in nature, what are the trees saying to you? The birds? The plants? The streams? Try to fine tune your senses, especially in nature. This is part of gradually losing density and moving towards the lightbody. I find that in the Forest my senses become heightened, everything is in brighter colours, everything more abundant, rich, peaceful and glorious. It feels absolutely blissful. The more we can all feel this, the more we are sending bliss into the collective for the highest good and expansion of loving consciousness for the Earth, and all humanity. Blessings to you all.

Lee Harris - Disconnection & Stillness - 18.09.2024

Remember that disconnection does precede transformation. Often, in order for us to go to the next level of our life or the next level of our experience, we have to let something go. And there will be many, at the moment, who have been feeling disconnected for a while. Disconnection is not a comfortable feeling; it can be very frustrating; it can feel isolating. Often, we yearn to connect. We are here on the planet to connect to something. Some of us connect to people; some connect to nature; some connect to animals; some connect to their purpose or their work in the world or the family they're raising. We all need to feel connected in some way.

This feeling of disconnection is a limbo space or a pre-birth space that you go through before you transform and become someone or something new. Try to remember that disconnection is part of the process of change, and it precedes the new you. It's part of the chrysalis process, and lots of people right now are in that middle ground. You don't just have to suffer through disconnection. Perhaps it's time for you to look at new things that you might want to connect to. It's very easy for us to recognize, "The things that used to fill me up, light me up, and that I was drawn to are no longer working for me." But we sometimes forget that we don't always just have to wait it out. Sometimes that's part of the process, but other times, if you are becoming someone new, what new things might you want to engage with or connect with now?

Watch the full September 2024 Energy Update here: https://www.leeharrisenergy.com/sept-2024-energy-update


Ask yourself, "How is my relationship to stillness?" Because it is where the power and where the reset can be found. So stillness might be you writing a book or a blog post. Stillness might be you gardening or tidying up an area of your house. Stillness might be you very consciously sitting down and listening to some music or to a podcast. Stillness might be yoga, meditation - anything that focuses you and focuses your energy in a way that it isn't just in reaction to the outside world. So be mindful of the overstimulation. Be mindful of the chaos of it all. And if the chaos of it all is something you're enjoying or you're finding your way through it, great. If the chaos of it all starts to overwhelm you, you need to know how to bring yourself back to stillness. What does it for you? It might be your favorite TV show. It doesn't matter what it is that you're going to use to reset yourself. But knowing how to reset yourself is going to be crucial.

-Lee Harris

Judith Kusel - The Transition/Transfiguration Period 2024 to 2032

The Transition/Transfiguration Period 2024 to 2032:

I am aware that many of you are experiencing upheavals, as well as sudden deaths in the family or elsewhere, as well as sudden changes, challenges and ill health, or sudden emergencies cropping up as well.

I have written about the earth’s changes, as well as the inner transformation, and transfiguration which will continue and become even more powerful. Yet, we are never given more than we can handle at one time, and in the here and now, it is a matter of truly focusing on what we DO WANT to experience, manifest and loving to co-create and to affirm this every single morning on arising and at night before we go to sleep.

We are being reinvented and reprogrammed, but we need to also do the inner work which will not sabotage the rest. If we are denial within, this will reflect on the outside and with a bang!

What you are now focusing on, will manifest almost immediately, therefore it is wise to always go back into the heart, still the mind, and then get crystal clear about what you truly wish to have more of and not what you fear. Fear is false evidence appearing as real, and more often it is what keeps us stuck in the old paradigms instead of us freeing ourselves and standing in our true soul mastery. Feel the fear, and then do it anyway, as someone so eloquently phrased this a few years ago.

You are a true daughter and son of the Divine Source. It is time now to claim your true inheritance as a beloved daughter and son, and to open your arms wider than ever before to all the goodness, the abundance, the joy, the beauty, the harmony, the inspiration, the love, wisdom, higher insight, knowledge which is your birthright! It is time to claim your mastery and sovereignty and doing this in the here and now!

Your own Ascended Masters are always there to assist you, to guide you, but they cannot live your life for you, nor are they allowed to intervene in your life. If you need help, then ASK and listen deeply within and follow the inner guidance, the promptings, the wise inner voice. Many hear these but then do not trust it, and then self-sabotage.

This planet was never meant for shrinking violets but for the bravest of the brave and you would not be here at this time, if you were not capable of handling whatever comes. Challenges hone the inner mastery, and soul muscles and make you fit for the new role as co-creator, living from the heart and soul, and standing in your truth, unshakably like the mighty Cosmic Tree of Life, firmly rooted and grounded into the New Earth and anchoring in the New Golden Age with love, through love, and in love.

Remember, you are a master, and master stands unshakably, in truth and integrity with love and loving intent. You are not a shrinking violet but indeed a Divinely created perfected soul, and the Divine does not create duds, only perfection. It is the ego which negates, which spins fear and conjures up pictures which sends the mind spinning. The heart always knows the truth of the soul and remembers this truth.

I lost everything in 2004, and today I am grateful that all of this happened, for I have been born anew. I have had to shed so many old layers, old belief systems, old programming and still do. Now, when things happen, I immediately sit down, with pen and paper and write down, the drawbacks and the benefits of this happening, and do not stop until I have found more benefits than drawbacks, not only for me, but for the rest of humanity. It immediately shifts everything, as the right brain and left-brain hemispheres move into balance and harmony once more, unity and oneness and inspiration and creativity flow, and this is what then lifts you to a much higher level, where you can rise above it all. More than this, you become grateful for all and everything, and the more grateful you become, the more you will attract to yourself to be grateful for!

In the next ten years, we will need to shed more and more layers, more and more of the old: Yet look for the miracle!

For the first time in thousands of earth years, we now can step fully into a new creation and create anew as the old falls away and do so from and heart of love, as the Christ/Buddha consciousness within us, rises to the fore. We now step into unity, oneness where we can co-create the communities of Light and lovingly co-create the New Golden Age in the fifth and seventh dimensional state, AS ONE!

This is a Cosmic Miracle!

Keep this Miracle forever in your heart and soul, and nurture, cocreate it there in your sacred temple, with love and loving intent, always for the greater good of all, and then experience the unfolding of this miracle within you, and then all around you, and by 2032 you will not recognize yourself anymore, as you transfigured into your highest soul self, and live life with love, and joy! Yet, all this, is already available for you in the here and now, and there within your own soul, as ONE with the Divine within you, in your own sacred and holy temple, the Temple of your heart and soul!

We are stepping into the seemingly impossible, yet in the truth this means: I AM POSSIBLE. Unlimited. Ad infinitum.
I AM the Ascended Master…… (your name and Soul Name). I AM THAT I AM!

Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 16.09.2024

Emergency world summit called for after nuclear Armageddon almost happened last weekend

You can read the full report here:


Vilma Capuano - Moon Eclipse & The light that heals the sorrow - 18.09.2024


In Brazil it can be seen from 9:30pm today.
The Earth has already gone through a contraction for a purifying return within to protect the mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. Some get the job done, some don’t.
Today in this Sun in Virgo/New Moon in Pisces setting, the energies remind humans to align the spiritual with the practice of being in the world.
The manifestation of any idea always finds a path from the spirit to the matter - and back to the spirit. This is how the universe works, and consciousness can access the Cosmos directory to shape the reality of matter in 3D.
The Eclipse takes place on the North Node Super Moon in its elliptical (non-circulating) very close to Earth, allied with Neptune, the regent of unlimited possibilities, to increase our connection to Higher Consciousness, deepening our Intuition and Perception offering a magical opportunity if you trust the workings of the Universe to welcome in new energy instead of releasing karma like the previous ones in the South Node.
To be able to tap into what the Full Moon and Neptune are illuminating to transform, we have to abandon the old ways of being.
Just as your mindset is as friendly or hostile, wonder if you consider the Universe friendly or hostile. By believing it is hostile - "the world is against me" or "I can't do it because of it" - you don't trust your power of positive manifestation.
This Choice defines divine Timing and its openness to Synchronicities and Signs to act in your favor. When things keep going wrong, it's a sign of disconnection from the flow of life, which generates an inability to perceive direction around you.
Anything is possible when you trust Divine Timing and read the signs - even if they go against what you believed to be true, even if you don’t have all the answers.
When the unexpected hits you should abandon the old ways of being - will you frame it as a challenge or an opportunity? Will you swim with the current or against it?
What will be revealed will be profound and extraordinary – for there is a cosmic seal of divine approval with the Full Moon in conjunction with Neptune. Reflect on how your life was, the events and the decisions you made in 1997 and 2016 and you will have a good indication of what to expect.
The Emotional Body must be stabilized because we will be more vulnerable to falling into self-judgment and feelings of insignificance, unworthiness, persecution complex, irritation without reason, depression, plunging deeper into layers of illusory trance as an effect of disconnection with 3D.
When we trust in Divine Timing, when we read the signs, the Full Moon Eclipse offers a transformational chance when we’re open and willing to trust that the Universe is always communicating.
All we need to do is Listen, practice self-care with courage and commitment.
“Breathe, move to the center of the heart and stay there for as long as you can. With that comes the emotional body "rest" and all the emotional imbalances one can have. When someone is present in your heart, the emotional body is at peace, no matter the circumstances. ” ~Kejraj
"There's greatness inside you... an ability to shine brightly in the dark with the Knowledge to embrace and show empathy, kindness and compassion. Through these turbulent times, you can see the peaceful light beyond the chaos. "~Creator by Jennifer Farley
Wilma Capuano



You are strong. When life knocks you down, it doesn't matter how many times you try to get back up, all that matters is how it's going to end. Grace will indicate a safe place, so trust despite the fears. As a disciple, embrace existence by learning from all of Nature, the trees, flowers, birds..
When meeting a spiritual master know that he is like a swimming pool where you will learn to swim.
When you learn, you are ready to jump into rivers and oceans across your Path, growing in fields of Sublimation: those where we must be in the moment, living what we have to live, and changing what we have to change, because accessing the Light means Healing the Sorrows and raising the Awareness.


"The Divine sees you. ... listen ... Ohhhhhh He Knows Him....
Along the Senda, you've suffered and cried a lot.
Most times you hurt yourself
Yes, when your pride spoke louder than your heart.
And when you stopped respecting yourself.
When you forgot about Him and acted full of ego.
And He always waits, for there is a time for everything...
Time to sow... of the spoon... to learn and recycle.
And the time to listen to the heart calling out to the Light.
So you are reunited with Him in your heart.
And everything changed, because Love regenerated its light.
And you wept a lot, no more for your wounded ego.
But because you see it in yourself...
Because she understood that Heaven was always in her heart.
And all sadness was illusion...
And you felt something real lighting up your way...
And see the supreme act marvelous ways.
Even when you were blinded by your soul and peace.
One day, her face was a river of tears...
And He waited for the right time...... Your time to Wake Up
And your Senda became beautiful and full of stars.
And her chest became the sun.
Because you rediscovered Great Love.
And now your face is a river of light.....
Because your tears have been transformed.
And you found out your Senda... it's Him, all is Him, all is He... "

:: Wagner Borges :: (Excerpts from the poem There is a time for everything", 11/2009 - the full text at https://www.ippb.org.br/textos/974-rios-de-luz-na-senda
Wilma Capuano

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse - My insights for this powerful day - 17.09.2024

Sending Blessings on this full moon and partial lunar eclipse … My insights for this powerful day.

We are beginning to embody our divine God / Goddess in the newly created physical world. This process might make us feel temporarily unsafe as we anchor into higher frequencies we have never experienced before. In mediation, we have mastered elevated God / Goddess states within us and our divinity. We have reached these refined heights in elevated group gatherings when we are by ourselves in nature and, in other ways, like a sacred pilgrimage. But when daily life, the “chop wood, carry water” part of life, sets in, as it always will, the real work begins as we anchor these elevated God / Goddess frequencies to a new earth.

There is no roadmap for us to follow. There are no ancient ancestors to tell us what to do next because this has never been done before. Our ancestors have not experienced these frequencies either. These times will begin to create a new world within a new cycle, using expanded perceptions and frequencies, and write our legacy for those who come after us.

Whether we are aware of it or not, our soul feels the gravity and weight of this next step. We can feel the great responsibility of our choices as they will affect the next 26,000-year cycle and the uncountable human beings that follow us. It’s no wonder that many struggle with feeling tired and overwhelmed. It would be almost too much to bear if we understood the magnitude of our choices now.

I think it’s a blessing that we haven’t seen the entire picture yet. Once we gain enough significant mileage on this cycle, we will be able to look back and see the magnificent and epic journey we are on right now. A consistent message I receive is… do not underestimate your greatness, your light, and most of all, your limitless potential to make the world not just a better place but above and beyond what we could imagine today. We are entering this new cycle in a state of pure innocence. All that is necessary is an open, compassionate heart and the ability to choose according to that heart.

We can remember times when we didn't listen to that heart calling and made opposing choices. We didn’t listen to our intuition to ensure we did not lose someone we loved in our lives. We didn’t listen to our hearts to keep from rocking the boat with our truth. We didn’t listen to our inherited wisdom to fit in, blend with the program, and keep the peace, thinking this was the right thing to do. But we know now by now that not following our heart has cost us immeasurably. It has cost us our peace, caused us devastating heartbreak, and, in some cases, even ruined our health.

Life has been confusing and turned inside out, especially since 2012. Most reading this now understand we come from a different time and place. We have been living in two worlds most of our lives . . . the world we know that is true within us and the nonsensical world outer we must navigate. Now, there is this third layer of reality we are experiencing. This is our reality when we fully anchor into the new cycle with all its new higher frequency codes, laws, and blueprints. As God / Goddess beings, we won’t land in the new cycle we have in past times. We will be on a higher playing field than we’ve ever experienced before.

For this short transition period, we must question every encounter and experience in life and see it through a new lens of perception that we have acquired at this point in our evolution. We know nothing about this new lens or what it will teach us, nor do we understand how to use it.
As this lens shifts our perceptions and creates new opportunities, possible outcomes, and realities, we must face all the “wrong” turns we took. During those times, spirit told us precisely how to avoid a problem. But those past visions didn't make sense to us at the time. So we ignored them, over and over, bit by bit, and all those little missed steps added to a larger life story that became, of course. Now, it is time to get back on track. But we won't make new changes in the ways we have before. The new lens of perception is giving us other choices that we have never considered before.

We are learning not to attach ourselves to a person, a place, a company, an organization, a project, etc. We must always find our centering anchor point in our calling, passion, and mission, stay true to that purpose, and work to manifest this calling over anything else this outer world might offer. This is how we will maintain our energy, centeredness, peace, and, most of all, our health. The more we follow our mission and our calling in life, the clearer we will be and the healthier we will be. This is where longevity begins. It comes from living our inner truth, not the old world’s truth.

These are the messages I am feeling on this full moon and partial lunar eclipse, the gravity of this time, and the extraordinary opportunity we have in front of us. Building this legacy for the future does not have to be overwhelming or daunting. It only means doing our best to make the right choices by following our heart and source as much as possible. It means considering unique new options and perspectives we have not considered before and, most of all, having the courage to take these steps. If our ancestors taught us anything at all, it was undoubtedly steadfastness and persistence in the inner truth of the God-Goddess and nature herself that is within us all.

Sharing this post freely with gratitude, but Donations are always appreciated. Thank you.

EGYPT for October 2025 is sold out.
ENGLAND AND CORNWALL - We have been deeply called to worked with the Michael / Mary Lines that run through England and Cornwall in mid July 2025. Watch for details coming later this week! https://www.alunajoy.com/pilgrimages.html

Get the instant download of the Mayan Calendar for the equinox cycle 2023-24. https://www.alunajoy.com/calendars.html

Art by Illuminating Souls

Judith Kusel - The new YOU is forming & huge ascension upgrade - 18.09.2024

I have stood in the last two weeks, on power spots of the earth, which are literally 4 35 millions of years old, and felt the Earth intensely. So often I just stood there and tuned in: - my mind totally still, breathing in the silence, stillness, the incredible beauty, the majesty, yet at the very same moment, becoming aware of the New Earth replacing the old. Yet all was one, past, present, future flowing into one.
I was shown how, the New Earth is incorporating the BEST of the Old, and whatever then is not synchronizing, not blending in, not transfiguring, then simply becoming recycled into something else. No-thing is lost - it is merely changing form.
I so often stood at loss for words, but my soul and heart were overflowing. I was experiencing awe and wonder, marveling at it all.
Grandeur. For creation in grandeur, it is majesty, it surpasses all human words - it is best FELT deep within the heart and soul!
For the new YOU is forming in your heart and soul. It is forming there in the very depths, the lengths, the breadths, the immensely expansive YOU, you have always been since time immortal when you were first birthed as soul, within your own soul grouping.
It is there within your very SOUL.
Feel into this. For these words which I am writing are energetically touching your heart and soul with deep remembrance! I want you to deeply feel into them, for you are in the here and now A TOTALLY NEW CREATION!
The Old you, exists no more, except in the illusions of your own mind.
The New You, is the cosmic you, your own soul, and now, all the skills, the ineffable soul knowledge of your own soul, and the guidance within, is what will assist you to cocreate the new life beginning right here and now. Not in the nebulous future! NOW!
You have been trained for this, prepared for this, for millennia of earth years.
Now we move forward, step by step, transcending the old ways, the old things, the old, and creating the new. Yet that new, is there formed within our hearts and souls firstly, and then manifesting into form and being, always in the highest and best ways, with love, for the highest good of all.
We sow the seeds of unity, love and oneness where ever we go.
We leave golden footprints in the heart and soul of all we encounter and in the new earth.
We now cocreate from the innocence, the inherent goodness within our true souls, and from the heart, with love.
More than this, we are grateful for every single living moment for being alive - for life itself is a gift, especially at this time.
And when the old things, the old, rants its last cries and tries to throw its old worn nets out to try and capture us again, we simply look down with love and thank it all for serving us, even as we claim our new freedom, with love and joy, and hold the vision of the new age in our hearts, in our very wombs, and cherish and nurture it into form and being.


We are in the midst of a huge ascension upgrade.
I was shown what looked like a computer harddrive when it is opened. All the old connections, programming, parts and particles are now being replaced with far greater, more sophisticated and light filled part.  Yet everything now evolves, revolves and functions in and with Love.
From now on love will be the cosmic driving force as our consciousness expands even more.
We are a totally new creation.

Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli

I ask apology

This healing and growth like a never-ending story

Lee Harris - Your Journey & Your cosmic origins - 17.09.2024

Trust in your journey through the world. Rather than the world itself, your journey is your point of focus and awareness. I've heard a lot of people saying, "I've lost trust in the world; I've lost faith in the world," and trust me, I totally understand why people would say that. Particularly if you're in a very difficult situation right now or your circumstances are hard right now, it's very easy for that to be your reality.

From the minute you're alive to the minute you take your last breath, you are on a journey. You are on a journey through the world that no one else is going to have - no one. You may be alongside other people who are in the same part of the world who are going through similar things politically and geographically, but no one is going to experience it the way you do.

One of the things about losing trust in the outside world or an external relationship is that it forces us within. Because the only place we have left to find our faith, our spirit, when all the walls around us close, is within. We've all been taught to externalize, to believe in externals, or to play externally, but many of us were not trained (from our culture or our youth) to go within and have a relationship with our inner journey.

Are you trusting in your journey through the world, no matter what the world looks like? Of course, this is a very intense time on earth to navigate, but trusting in your journey through the world is a very important point of focus and awareness.

Watch the full September 2024 Energy Update here: https://www.leeharrisenergy.com/sept-2024-energy-update


You are of everything and everywhere. And the coding for that experience is written in your cosmic origins. Your cosmic origins; those parts of your soul and energy field, those parts of your physical body which come from the stars - and are deeply connected to the stars, the cosmos, the universe - those codes are the codes which allow you to expand.

-From Connect to the Cosmos Meditation MP3

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - The waters, the greatest initiation - 17.09.2024


Last week as I was swimming in the Aegean sea
the nature of my navel was deactivated.
I was told that at this stage
we are being free from the energies and information that the navel, via the umbilical cord, was holding.
Through it,
information was transferred from generation to generation and attachment was imprinted in the human subconscious
making it almost impossible for the human to be free from the ancestral chain,
its characteristics, patterns and attachment traits.
I was told that this part of human biology was connected to the land
and the need for survival on it.
As Posidonia is emerging the nature of our biology that is connected to fish, is also emerging.
The biology of the Waters is very different.
Fish is part of the earlier biology.
Fish hatch from eggs and do not have navels.
They do not carry an attachment to the mother and the family chain information.
This development is an important key to the process of liberation that we are undergoing and it will greatly change the function of all three human brains.
We all came from Water and
we are being guided to swim again freely in the waters of Life.
The human mind set is changing greatly as many limiting and entrapping beliefs are naturally falling away.
These beliefs were also transferred from generation to generation via the umbilical cord and
we are aware that it was the belief systems that were holding us bound to the old 3d reality and its structures.
By releasing the limiting beliefs,
we are releasing the loops and hooks!


Today and the next four days will unleash very powerful energies
disrupting the ways things used to be on different levels of human nature and society.
It is because the Mother is singing her electric song,
clearing the deceiving songs of the Sirens and the energies of false patriarchy from within everyone.
This is Her call of remembrance and alignment to the true destination/destiny!
The Wheels have turned and the doors have opened.
Beautiful blessings are here for all.
We are deep in the transformational switching of the cycles.
Some things might not make sense anymore,
this is normal.
The world of the Ocean hides many mysteries.
As the Waters are coming in, they are also affecting human biology.
As we are moving through the waves of the free Waters of Posidonia,
we are moving through different phases of remembrance.
We are remembering a core part of our being.
Everything comes from the Water and its mechanics.
These mechanics are re-emerging in order
to be felt and understood.
Be observant of what you will feel these days and dive into it without fear, repulsion or disappointment.
Be close to nature if possible.
Let go of control.
Get to know yourself.
The Waters bring the biggest initiation.
This is the Baptism.
We have to go through the Waters in order to reach Uranus.
May everyone be safe and happy during these changes

We will work through all of the above
during our upcoming group session on the Equinox
Those that have the inner call to join this session,
can message me for the details of participation.

Following are the new dates for
5D Spiritual Healing Surgery sessions.
- 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery
On Thursday, September 26 2024
at 19:00 Athens time zone.

- 5D Spiritual Healing Surgery
On Tuesday, October 1 2024
at 17:00 Athens time zone.
For participation please email me
at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
Blessings from the Waters!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
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