"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction - "people losing their heads" & Full Moon in Capricorn - July, 2024

The rest of July is likely to be eventful. One of the themes of the Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction exact on the 15th and 16th but operational now until the 24th July is 'people losing their heads', and that often refers to heads of state falling from power.

In the UK after 14 years of a Conservative government, the opposing party Labour has now taken power. In France President Macron is very challenged both in the polls and in the current voting which I believe ends this weekend. In the US there has been much discussion about the health of the President to continue in his re-election bid. The triple conjunction is in his 6th house of health, opposing his Sun (vitality) and Mercury (communication ability, can be connected to neurological issues as is Uranus) in the 12th house of critical health. We will see what unfolds from this.

There are likely to be many changes of direction and volatility as we head towards the US election in November, and this Full Moon in Capricorn (video below) on July 21st is the last Full Moon in Capricorn while Pluto still has a couple of months to go (September - November 2024) in the last degree of Capricorn, exactly where this Full Moon is falling. Not only that, but it is conjunct Pluto in the US chart at 27° Capricorn. The 'Pluto Return' for the US is still operational.

So although the astrology is obviously global, the US is again highlighted with this Full Moon being much more powerful than the previous one in June.

Capricorn is to do with government, corporations, institutions, big business, big banking, vertical power structures, and constitutional matters. This Full Moon along with the Mars-Uranus conjunction is likely to 'shine a bright light' on many truths at this time that we were not aware of. It will bring about greater awakening.

Consider where your power lies as you move through your days. Are you deferring to external authorities? Have you constructed a reality where you are living in your sovereignty and autonomy much more fully now? Observe your choices as they come up day to day.

As the '3D' world is likely to be very dramatic and colourful for the rest of this year and it will be easy for this to catch your attention, remember to turn inwards. Stay in peace, love, and gratitude. Make your inner focus your absolute anchor. Book regular stillness meetings with yourself. Be in nature, hug trees, remember to breathe and drop into bliss.

I read something from Dolores Cannon yesterday. She said that the end point of this period was not in doubt (ie humanity's evolution), but where we have flexibility is in how we get there - lovingly, easily, quickly, or still hanging on to a broken system because it feels familiar and is an ingrained habit to defer to external authorities. So the process is down to us, humanity. WE are the most important element in this period of rapid change. We are continuously creating the collective consciousness which then manifests as our reality.

So let us stand strong in our light and our love, live with kindness and compassion, and keep our eyes on the vision of a much more loving and abundant world for everyone, with respect and care for all living beings, and a sense of Oneness with all of nature.
Blessings to you all.

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