"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Worldwide IT problem - 19.07.2024

It's good that I finished my new weekend vibezz article, that we "got through" the week without any particular global problems and that the "chaos" has now been released.

According to Microsoft's official statement, a worldwide IT problem has occurred, affecting the information systems of airports, the services of banks and the offline and online networks of various media. Outages and glitches have been reported from Australia to the UK, from Europe to Alaska.

"The London Stock Exchange, airlines, banks and card payments all experiencing some outages globally. This is a clear reflection of the Mars-Uranus conjunction which as I have said is linked to power outages, internet cut-outs, and aviation issues (Uranus is the sky god). This conjunction is in Taurus which is linked to finance and money. We are very close now to the Full Moon in Capricorn, linked to big business, banking and government. Chaos is being reported in various airports across the world.


Mercury retrograde is notorious for causing internet outages and technology crashes, and this phase is well known for disruptions in communication, technology, and travel.

During this period, communication can break down since Mercury controls communication. When it goes retrograde, misunderstandings, miscommunications, and delays in getting information across are common. This can mean dropped calls, confusing emails, and messages getting lost or misinterpreted.

Technical glitches are another issue. Electronic devices often act up, with computers crashing, software becoming buggy, and devices running slower or stopping altogether.

Internet outages also become more likely. Because Mercury rules over networks and data exchange, its retrograde period increases the chances of slower speeds, spotty connections, or complete outages.

Travel delays are frequent during Mercury retrograde. Flights might be delayed or canceled, public transportation can have more issues, and road trips might face unexpected detours or breakdowns.

Misplaced data is a common problem too. Important files and data can go missing or become corrupted, backups might fail, and critical information could accidentally get deleted or misplaced.

Lastly, device failures happen more often. Gadgets and appliances may break down, smartphones might freeze, tablets could stop responding, and household appliances might suddenly need repairs.

These disruptions often lead to frustration and chaos, making Mercury retrograde a dreaded time for anyone who relies heavily on technology and clear communication, so it is no surprise to hear of the chaos with global outages today.

Always have enough food and water at home, and it is very important to always have enough cash with you and at home. Take care!

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