"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Emotions - 07.07.2024

For many years, on videos and writings, I’ve explained that each EMOTION is simply an array of different energy frequencies…

As we embody more of our consciousness, the lower hertz frequencies (of emotions) simply don’t arise within us. The lower hertz frequency emotions belong, in a sense, to the lower chakras (root, sacral, solar). Living and reacting from those chakras in a subconscious or conscious way, allows for the creations, projections and repeated cycling of: FEAR / CONTROL / HUMAN DESIRE.

As we become higher and higher energetic frequencies, we no longer live from those chakras. Through the awakening journey of seeing, deeply noticing self, accepting, owning, and surrendering certain programming, via our purest intention, to embody more of our consciousness and live from that.


Live IN BODY and operate in daily life from the higher hertz frequencies of the top four chakras (heart, throat, third eye and crown) and FAR beyond those chakras.

The higher the hertz frequency value we become and live as daily, the more we LIVE AS Light, frequencies and vibrations. A HUGE CHANGE to HOW we exist, BE from, choose and navigate everything, DAILY. No longer having the predominant operating system and living state based on HUMAN THOUGHTS. Our operating system is superseded BY Light, many alternating higher hertz frequencies, and constant vibrations IN BODY.

Vibrations relate to frequencies. And frequencies relate to WAVELENGTHS.
The higher our own FREQUENCY, the more we:
See beyond the rudimentary light spectrum.
See sub atomic levels.
Hear beyond the usual human hearing spectrum.
Create telepathic communication with each other.
Sub atomically see each one’s energy signature. And give consciously, of actual LIGHT (all light contains data).


During the awakening journey, the brain goes through a series of changes as I’ve explained in so much previous detail over the years. But at certain point WE LIVE by Light, Frequencies and Vibrations. We gain the easy and innate ability to INCREASE our own frequency AT WILL in an instant. Because we have internally mastered working with our own internal energy and our Light Body’s oscillating Light. We can switch to LIGHT BODY at will. Where the physical body is almost in a temporary suspended state.

Step by step, we reach an embodiment stage where no amount of higher frequency energies are too much for the physical body. We can just elevate frequency easily, for ENERGY has become our PRIMARY STATE, of light, frequency and vibrations as our way of DAILY BEING. We fluctuate in frequencies (as every single person does), but our core BASELINE frequencies, are Love, Eternal Peace, Harmony and Eternal Bliss, to then rise from THOSE hertz frequencies, into more. The ‘more’ are formless stages of and within The Trinity Stage (already explained). But further, in this, is undefinable in any language. A consciousness state prior to ALL of creation. Yet aware of all of creation. At one of The Divine Creator.


It is at extremely HIGH FREQUENCIES, of daily being, new abilities will be used, as One with The Divine Creator. Abilities not seen very often, for thousands of years. The human beings who access these various abilities are aligned IN and OF, God’s Will. IN conscious state awareness, of Source The Divine Creator, these heightened abilities arise from. So NOT of human personality will, or the human mind’s personal desire.


The more our brain adapts, it is able to translate higher hertz wavelengths that were and are always everywhere. And so, the more our consciousness becomes us, whilst living with a body. Our consciousness is not human. Does not think human thoughts or speak. It only experiences, operates and CREATES as Light, frequencies and vibrations. Your consciousness IS you, as the master, coach and supporter of your human being’s STYLE and ‘timings’ of embodiment.

Our brain is then able to translate light packages held WITHIN OUR DNA, which we then live by, easily translating the intricate and vast waves of vibrations unseen via the previous human version. Light, frequencies and vibrations become the ONLY way to LIVE AS, use, navigate everything by, learn from as accessible DATA that becomes our ever present expanding knowledge. To act from, give from and give out in a myriad of supporting ways here.

We dip into the old operating system of speaking, writing human created ‘words’, for the sake of communications in a multiple frequency world. Yet as we do so, we are still simultaneously BEING our predominate STATE, of light, frequencies and vibrations.

Via the ability to be Light Body FIRST, at FAR HIGHER frequencies we accustom to that state to learn how Light Body operates. As we be that system. Being Light Body some living humans learn how to translocate. This is how Jesus Christ returned 3 days after physical death; via translocation of his own Light Body.


The more we become higher and higher sustained energy frequencies, the quieter (in vocal human sound/language) our own inner world is. For the higher frequencies REQUIRE a quietened mind to FEEL, BECOME and SUSTAIN, higher octaves of lived vibrations and living light.

This quietening, is actually occurring throughout the world. One by one. Yet because we are in a multiple-frequency humanity, outer noise, or mental inner noise is simply noticed more easily as the ‘louder’ voice.

The evolution of consciousness IS occurring, quietly. And you will know this by the changes in people as we go. Never discard anyone, for many chose to wait longer to awaken and shall awaken TO Light, Frequency and Vibration. Many years ago I wrote that “In the future, people shall be known for their ENERGY FIRST”. Meaning that as humanity became more sentient, they would feel energy FIRST. Regardless of all and any words spoken. Energy has already and shall incrementally become the LANGUAGE and NAVIGATION SYSTEM known, behind and beyond any words chosen or spoken. We reached that ability several years ago. And the beauty of navigating internally and externally ONLY BY ENERGY FREQUENCIES is that all is just energy at different frequencies. A neutral and peaceful system of being, and knowing ENERGY. No energy frequency of hertz has meaning. Yet frequency, vibration and light quotants, are the underlying creational force(s), by which we live, experience and create from.


And how is all this met within a myriad of cultures, countries, and multiplicity of belief systems, tools and literature? God made it simple…Simply via each one’s own heart. Via the brain choosing to marry the heart. CHOOSING to BE, LOVE FIRST. Before any thoughts, before any words communicated or written down, before any and all actions taken. And this ETERNAL LOVE to align to, is God’s alone. Already existing within and around all…to choose. Align to. BE of.

With Love Always,
07 July 2024

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