"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - Cosmic Expansion - 25.07.2024

Cosmic Expansion

Since I was asked to activate the Crystal Pyramid Keys and Codes a few weeks ago and transmitted this on Saturday, last week, things have escalated into an enormous acceleration of the ascension process, with more powerful solar flares which have come pouring in, with the sun plasma energies, and the earth changes. They are all simultaneously happening, as the old disintegrates more and more, and the new is replacing the old, but on much higher dimensional frequency bands.

From what I understand from my own highest Ascended Masters etc. is that this is all part and parcel of the Divine Masterplan now coming into fulfillment on earth.

What this means for each of us, is that we will feel ourselves now called into accelerated highest loving service, no matter what you seeming age is on this planet, for in in truth the aging process is being reversed, as our new twelve strands of DNA are being fully activated for our New Solar Crystalline Lightbodies.

The transformation and transfiguration process are not only happening in our physical bodies, but as the earth reflects our own bodies, she is now truly going through a whole accelerated process of change, as she is being incorporated into the higher dimensional New Earth. It is the same process as the Butterfly undergoes to be birthed and come into form and being, just on a much vaster scale.

I am feeling this intensely now, as souls will suddenly find themselves remembering more and more who and what they in truth are, and then being asked to LIVE this with every breathing moment and to step fully into their soul powers, with love.
There are no half-measures any longer. This is a total activation in ways we may not even realize right now.

With this, many souls will feel themselves now being asked to not only accelerate their highest loving service work, on planetary levels, but to consciously ask to expand this into galactic and universal highest loving service as well and become aware of this. These souls are already serving in this manner, but now will consciously be doing this, as the ascension process is accelerating and according to Diana Cooper, we are even ahead of schedule now.

The greater Cosmic Masterplan is on track in unprecedented ways, and therefore our cosmic, infinite Soul, is now asked to step fully into its true magnificence, to truly live and anchor in their ineffable soul knowledge, wisdom and lovingly bring your expanded mission and purpose into form and being, in the here and now, for the New Golden Age.

With joy, with inspiration and with Love, ever holding the vision of leaving lasting golden footprints behind wherever you go, and stepping into the fullness and magnificence of the truth of who and what you are, at soul level!
You are Living Love!

Judith Kusel

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