"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - Energy update - 23.07.2024

JULY 23 2024


'Break the loops and follow the Uranian Lights'

This realm is part of the overall multidimensional clock that has its own program and rhythm.
Our chakras are clocks and compasses connected to this multidimensional clock.
Place all of the chakras together and you get the multidimensional clock itself.
See your astrological chart and you will see part of the clock too which is basically the way the system expresses your DNA code.
We have been locked inside a time capsule which is inside this multidimensional clock.
We have been reading the program of the capsule through the information that we left behind so that we could find the way back and out of this capsule.
From December 20th 2022 when Jupiter aligned to 0° Aries (root chakra),
we began the physical resetting of the inner clocks and alignment to organic flow of time.
We have been adjusting our different systems to it firstly via the adjustment that the planets to the new time. This is slowly moving us upwards the Spiral of Life and back to a higher relationship with the planets via our DNA flows.

The upcoming alignments are:
-March 30th 2025 Neptune at 0° Aries
(salvation of the subconscious self completed/alignment to conscious self).
-February 14th 2026 Kronos/Saturn
at 0° Aries (crown). Genealogical flow,
the clear Mind!
The resetting of time is fully affecting human perception and understanding of space and its relation to time!
There will come a time when the physical movements of the planets/flows of the DNA in this realm
will be much faster and this will result in much smaller day and night period. This will express the acceleration of the human DNA.
All the above is in correspondence to the realms.
There is more to this process as more celestial bodies
have been aligning to 0° Aries or will in the future,
but these are the main and most important ones!.
In a way we were still bound to follow these schedules as time was returning to its organic flow but we have succeeded beyond expectations and we are ahead!
I am saying this because what took place in our last group session upon this full moon!
After what took place in our session on this full moon,
I can clearly state that we have now been uplifted onto a new level of our Ascension state.
The Kundalini currents have been switched on and the Electrical Twins have stepped in bringing the first part of restoration of the BRIDGE of Life!
The restoration of the Bridge will bring such smooth and loving developments for everyone in the Ascending path.
We did experience the electric current in the spheres during the session but not only that,
we experienced it entering and moving through our flesh.
There are no words really to describe this amazing and absolutely crazy development!
The Uranus/Mars Conjunction was a Divine alignment of Pure Uranian Light and Living life Force
that directly affected the rescue and realignment of the Masculine and this development for him has now catapulted
new corrections in the feminine too!
This is a true restoration of the Divine Kundalini and a revival of the sympathetic and parasympathetic system!
Again, all previous Neptunian/Piscean illusions and misjudgments must go so that the truth can enter!
Spiritual bypassing is dying
and Wisdom is served widely as everyone is pushed to connect to their true inner state and needs that were always there but clearly denied.
Saturn is again at the place of the collective exorcism and will be working with those individuals that could not get his message the first time. There will also be a third time.
The Twins will continue breaking those last loops that need to go so that the new Uranian current and life force revival
can be fully embodied.
This is our main work all the way up
to the 888 portal of the Gods/Goddesses!
Needless to say that this development is also signifying very strong developments in the old 3d arena which after the Uranus/Mars conjunction on the Medusa star,
have already started on both sides of the 3d coin,
the mind demons are being removed and more people will see how both sides are being controlled by the same program!
All 5D groups have now been upgraded and
their superhuman powers are beginning to be felt.
These groups will be creating fields of 5d consciousness that will support the creation of their new endeavours/missions of Joy,
the UPLIFTMENT of the collective and the restoration after the break down.

- Under these new developments I have been guided to facilitate the 6th
on Friday, July 26th 2024
at 15:00 Athens time zone.
For participation please email me at 144000diamonds@gmail.com
Blessings of resting and correct preparation for the Electric Living Current!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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