"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - X class Solar Flare - 14.07.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

Did you feel a very expansive energy come through around 12 hours ago?
It felt like a beautiful pink & white energy, which was the ultimate state of peace...
My first thought was, I feel as though the Sun is starting to bring through more flares
We have had quite significant succession of rather large flares & and it feels like it's going to continue

Symptoms & Sensations might experience with Solar Flares

Solar Plexus ~ feeling anxious, uncomfortable & feeling lots of 'fear rise up' for no apparent reason ~ the solar plexus is directly connected with the sun energy
Tingling sensation on the lips
Huge inspiration, insights & downloads ~ this is a time where our consciousness has the opportunity to expand to greater heights and next level
Energy influx in the body ~ feeling the vibration energy charges as our bodies are adjusting to higher levels of frequency
Little or no sleep, also very heightened dreams & lots of dream space activity
Headaches ~ Intense head pressure in crown & third eye as our consciousness expands
Aches & pains in the body, especially legs
Pain in the spine as the energy channel clears and opens
Heightened emotions & and mental patterns releasing
Broken sleep & intense dreams
Heightened spiritual experiences (veiled between worlds is very thin

Things you can do to alleviate these symptoms:

Stay Hydrated
Rest & Rebalance ~ Mind, Emotions & Body
Balancing your energy and finding simple ways to come into alignment
Connect with Nature & Elements
Be gentle & compassionate yourself and others

Sending much love
Alisha Braché
Need 1:1 Assistance see Soul Sessions:

My Note;

"AR 3738 produced a strong X1.2 solar flare peaking at 02:34 UTC (Jul 14). Based on incoming imagery, it does not appear that this event will be associated with a noteworthy CME. The region became very active the past 24 hours with multiple M-Flares detected leading up to this X-Flare event."

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