"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Geomagnetic storms and symptoms - 21.07.2024


Everyone now sees the action of the Elementals of Nature: Earth (earthquakes), Air (hurricanes), Water (floods) and Fire (volcanoes and fires) acting and creating challenges for survival.

In addition to the necessary chemistry of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus that constitute Life in Matter there is the Biosphere, the Magnetosphere, the Ionosphere and the Noosphere that are merging, pressuring the reconfiguration of the planet's energy Grid, and Consciousness connected to the human Heart.

“The Grids of Universal Consciousness have sent out their tentacles of energy to interact through the Vortices and Grids throughout the earthly plane. Earth's energetic profile is being magnetically realigned - what we call "The Great Shift."~ The Pleiadians

The Earth Grid means the aerial and underground electromagnetic Lines that interact to sustain Life.

They are like energetic rivers.

Therefore, just as in the planetary body, our systems in the physical body are loaded with high frequency cosmic particles with symptoms in resonance because we are made of the same Matter.
The Sun is completing the reversal of its magnetic poles, which is also unfolding in the bodies of living beings to merge the realms of the unconscious with the conscious, causing the dissolution of karmic frequencies manifested by default in life cycles. This results in the restoration of the Higher Self.
Solar winds, normally with speeds between 300-400 km per second, are between 705.7 km/876.3 per second, impacting the Earth with storms classified as G5, only recently recorded at this level.

We receive tremendous plasma shock waves in the magnetosphere with the effects of aurora borealis never seen before, and causing emotional, mental and physical symptoms because the Light penetrates the cells and we can feel deconcentration (loss of recent memory), intense fatigue, pressure/pain in the brain, dizziness, inability to sleep, anxiety, fast or irregular heart rhythms, stiff or painful muscles and joints, which reverberate the magnetic oscillations.
It is in the Noosphere that conscious thought or intention enters the equation of energy conversion and directs it into paths for the evolution of the human race: this is the "Lifting of the Veils" to end spiritual ignorance and the feeling of "separation" of the Divine.
“Some of you have noticed an amplification over the last few days and feel different.

Your earthly plane is on the verge of a great upward movement; the Compassion and Understanding that you have practiced so much will be embraced by more humans.

Just as you are guided by the Universe, you will be called.”

“You feel it. The Universe knows you feel this way.

Use Peace and Clarity to redefine the path you have chosen to walk.

Use Unconditional Love to show those around you that It is priceless... All of these things are within your reach and can make your world a better place." ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley (excerpts)
Vilma Capuano

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