"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - The 12 solar disks and crystalline grade 144 - 22.07.2024


Solar Disks are complex crystalline units that receive, transduce (transform one type of energy into another), amplify and radiate a specific disposition of energies.
These vector points contain great energy potential of multidimensionality, where the dimensional realities merge... and were placed in primary vector areas.

 Northern Hemisphere

1. Arkansas Crystal Vortex
2. Scotland - Roslyn Chapel Vortex
3. Russia - Ural Mont Vortex at Latitude of 51 degrees
4. Russia - Lake Baikal Vortex Siberia 51 Degrees
5. Egypt - Iraq - Giza up to the Vortex of the Temple Mount (Jerusalem)
6. Sri Lanka
7. China - Xi'An

 Southern Hemisphere

1. Australia - Uluru
2. Africa - Tanzania Mt Kilimanjaro
3. Brazil - Vortex Gerais Mines
4. Bolivia - Lake Titicaca Vortex - Sun Island
5. Moorea Tahiti ( French Polynesia )

There are certain Disks that coordinate all dimensions, all realities.
And some coordinate what can be referred to as the spacetime continuum, and distribute corridors of dimensional planes from the material realm to the anti-matter domain, physical to non-physical, space to non-space, and time to non-time.


Are you aware that human biology generates a field similar to that of Earth. And we affirm that human aura is moving to a Crystalline-Electric field with larger and different matrices of circuits, frequency, power and colors.

Similarly, the terrestrial ionosphere and the magnetosphere are changing. And this intensity continues purposefully as frequency increases annually, year after year until 2038.
Just as the 144 crystalline grid was completed on 12-12-12, teluric frequencies accelerated and dramatically.
Anything that is changing the course of the Earth is also affecting yours.
The new circuit operates in a coherent light, and the Mer-Ka-Na is adjusted for changes in Earth's expanded dimension... and allows for more fortified fluid human auric resonance.
Those in a coherent state are more able to manage change without the energy bleeding from disrupting auric circuits. All humans will change from magnetic polarity body of light to crystal non-polarized light body. It will happen in time, consciously through an intentional process of conscious conversion. "

Metraton via James Tyberonn – The Bio-Crystal Change – Part 2 (excerpts)
Wilma Capuano

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