"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - This life was never about you - 18.07.2024

This life was never about you.
Nor me.
Before you were born, you were fully informed that the old earth would disintegrate, and make way for the new earth and the new Golden Age.
You agreed to anchor in your own soul's ineffable talents, abilities, knowledge and fields of expertise, into this planet and to rise fully to the fore, as you choose to ascend into the new Lightbody and then, to anchor all of this into the New Golden Age, with unconditional love and inspiration, in perfect alignment with the Divine Will and Purpose.
Never for self service.
Always in the highest and most loving way, for the highest good of all.
You are being reminded of this, for we are now in accelerated ascension and things are going to happen and unfold at lightning speed now.
When your whole focus and attention is on fulfilling your soul purpose and calling with love, it becomes a way of life and living. You simply do not allow anyone or anything to distract you, nor pull you off course. This is so important now and in the next months and years, as we see the work into completion.
Let it become your heart and soul prayer, and then let there be love and joy in highest, loving service, even as you step ever forwards in full faith and trust into a totally new way of life, as never experienced before. Yet which you infinite soul remembers, from other lives in other existences at Univerrsal and galactic levels. Claim your cosmic inheritance for we are all returning to the cosmic fold.
Let Divine Love be in your thoughts, words and deeds and all which you are, in truth.
And so it shall, and is written, and so it shall, and is lived!

Photo: All credit to the artist as signed on the photo, with love and appreciation.

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