"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Dragons, Orange skies & abrupt catalyst experiences - 13.07.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

I hope that you're having a peaceful weekend
How are you feeling?
There seems to be much information streaming through dream space at the moment, which has given insights to collective themes of what is happening at present.

The first component is that many people are moving through very 'base' related issues. There are core blockages that are around lack of feeling supported, safe, security & abundance or lack of.... It's a deep clearing to support us to be a clearer vessel to receive incoming frequency.

The second message that has come through is that there is about 40% of the population that are on the precipice of going through an Abrupt awakening, showing me the difference between having spiritual awearness or knowing about concepts or even going through a part awakening process through consuming information.

What this next phase is for them very tangible, experiential. One that can shatter previous perceptions of what you believe reality is & opening up to a much more expanded consciousness.

This process will bring much more frequency into the planet to prepare us for the next phase...
The final dream message came through just a few days ago... I was told that there are two events that will take place before the solar flash occurs... I was then asked if I wanted to see what it was... My initial response was no! I don't want to be holding on to preconceived perception.

As the dream continued, I was shown anyway
I was shown the sky light up in a very bright & vibrant Orange colour like an explosion of light, similar to a sunset it was everywhere at the same time! From this point, I saw a huge portal opened up from the Sun & thousands of dragons were flying through the sky. It was breathtaking & surprising to me. (I personally haven't had a strong affinity with Dragons, so I find this part interesting )

From there, was an influx of the most beautiful blue & orange frequency that came through which contains energy that support a creative expression like never before work with on this planet From the artist, writers, singer and all types of Creative endeavours to support infusing this conciousness into a very next creative & exciting phase

I would like to hear if you have had anything similar or interesting dreams that have brought through guidance at this time

Throughout this month & part of last month, I'm aware that there are many of us working on either support the structural aspect of mapping the Blueprint of New Earth reality. This has come up repeatedly, we are building the timeline from where we are now to connect with the other aspects of us that are already existing there.

There are also many who are supporting that 40% group to prepare them for their shift and experience or experiences.

With so much going on, the human experience can feel a little within, in integration, regrouping, lots of rest & recouping needed at this time. So take the time to go through this passageway. You might feel a temporary pause or disconnect as your consciousness is in many places at once. This feeling of being spread thin
Not very connected here as through you're elsewhere at times.

Sending much love
Alisha Braché

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