"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - UPDATE: COSMIC WAVES AND SYMPTOMS - 13.07.2024

Massive waves of Cosmic energies in June-July, until the apex of the powerful 888 Portal, serve for the restoration of our true identity and re-access to spiritual gifts. In this energetic transmutation, consciously or not, we are abandoning what we believed to be, the foundations of our “comfort zone” and sense of direction in life. Hence the increase in states of depression, anxiety and panic syndrome.

“The Awakening” is being open to understanding Transition and assimilating the expansion of the Sixth Sense, Hearing the Inner Voice, Intuition, Perceiving the Signs and Synchronicities of Blessings and spiritual Guidance.
You can then understand the purpose of Daily Practices to protect yourself from impacts by personal life circumstances or global events, such as emotional shockwaves in your systems. And if you keep repeating stressful thoughts, feelings and images your physical and auric Body becomes a mess delaying the advancement to the Remembrance of your divinity.

The Pleiadians have reported on the transformation of our brain through energy currents entering the spine reaching the Pineal, the two hemispheres, the neurons, synapses, hypothalamo-hypophysis (hormones), by stimulus from our electrical systems charged by higher frequencies.

So learn how to realign:

- Create moments of Stillness to maintain Health and Balance; Hydrate yourself;
- Do Conscious Breathing (inhaling in and exhaling by your mouth, gently, at least once per hour during your day;
- Walk, barefoot or not, going back and forth a few steps for 10 minutes - at your own pace, lifting one foot and observing the movement as it slowly lowers and touches the ground first by the heel.
- Avoid watching TV news and movies and novels with drama and violence;
- Do not use tobacco, alcohol and drugs stimulating or anesthetizing the conscience;
Thus you protect the function of the marrow of the adrenal glands, responsible for the production of adrenaline and noradrenaline, released as tsunamis in the blood after reactions by fear and fear, causing increased heart contraction/arrhythmias, blood pressure oscillation, vascular constipation, liver glycogenolysis (diabetogenic effect), loss or increased appetite, muscle weakness, sweating, nausea, sleep imbalance.

This prolonged imbalance leads to allergic and systemic reactions due to its immunosuppressive effect on metabolism, shorter and accelerated breathing.

It is also important to remember the relevance of the Loose Nerve - the Nerve of the Soul, deeply connected to the neck - Portal of the Brain; and the Throat, our Divine Access Point - the expression of the Higher Self. It is the longest of the nervous system, extending to the abdomen, transmitting the brain emissions and transmitting to the brain the emissions of the organs through which it passes.
It’s like a “somatic engine,” with sensor cables connected to our electrical systems transmitting temperature and pain as alerts.

When you relax, allow Light to distribute through that energy as fuel to embody your true Self.
It can cause sneezing and sneezing when cleaning blocks. And with the activity of the Vagus Nerve affected, some may suffer from psychiatric disorders, exhaustion and chronic inflammation; flatulence, indigestion, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, vertigo, fainting, because it controls the balance of the body.

To stimulate it allowing the flow of Light in the physical as a conduit for Health do:
• Strong gargle with water, or sing, emits Sounds: Vocal Therapy you learn in my post: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2321499258050936&set=a.140744752793075
• Foot massage or trapeze (shoulders); stretching;
• Immersion of the face in cold water or cold bath;
• Lie on the right side - just like the image of the "Reclining Buddha" lying down reaching illumination.
Inner Work is essential.

Wilma Capuano

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