"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

This week was not uneventful either, which I reported on in a separate article in a new blog series:

I´m not really want to go into politics, it´s dividing, confusing and easily can lost in the rabbit holes. It is just enforce the duality what we live in it - two wings but belong to the same bird. That would be a kick in the butt for so many people when we realize in the end of the game, that both party have an agenda and just bring us in different direction and timeline and actually none of it good for us.

There is a momentary pause, but it's probably just a little break for us to grounding, catch up, and things can pick up the speed again. There is still the possibility of some global events this month or next month or this year, probably before the US elections. I still feel and my "cards also indicate" that something will happen, and that the Austrian election will probably be postpone too about something.

There are also big problems in the European Union, and astrological analyses, foresight, intuition, cards all predict that this form will end. What will happen instead? I hope it's a good and favourable "system." In my private opinion, this unity has its good sides, but it also has many disadvantages, especially if it is combined with dictatorial power and serves other interests than Europe.

Unfortunately, many sources of money that would go to development are spent by the countries' corrupt leadership on other things (or steal it) than they should be, and Hungary is unfortunately a prime example of this. There is room for improvement, yet we experience decline. The Hungarians are an extremely creative people, finding new ways, they develop new things, they are able to find solutions for a lot of things, but they have not been able to use this power for a very long time, since they are not supported in their own country. We have many famous Hungarian inventors who could only implement their inventions abroad and give it to the world, because "politics" and "power" restrained them in their own country. They have been under oppression for a long time, they have become a people with deep apathy and tolerance to extremes. Friend against friend, even abroad, and instead of teaming up, they undermine each other for their own interests. Where have our rebellious genes gone from the yoke of the prisoner? Where we lost our unity and great hospitality? I hope that one day they will manage to finally stand in their power, unite and wake up from the decades-long brainwashing and oppression.

What an interesting development that the elected representatives, ministers, kings are actually the "enemies" of their own people and instead of working for the people of the country, they instead represent external and private interests. This has been going on for so many centuries and millennia, and we still believe that they are for us. In fact we do not choose them, the puppet masters choose them and arrange events so that their chosen ones win and for power and money these individuals absolutely obey and serve these masters not the people. Perhaps, as we move forward, as consciousness is rising, things will start to clear up and the right people will be in the right positions, the situation will change. Perhaps the people who finally focus on unity and positive change are sitting in those decision-making buildings, the people who are finally serving our interests with all their heart and soul...

The Ukraine drama, the NATO vs. Russia match, is still going on. I hope they reach an agreement and the Cabal does not drag us into such a conflict (war) just to maintain their power. The member states divide and multiply how many soldiers they could throw into the meat grinder in the event of an escalation. The funny thing is that they forget that Europe depends on Russian gas and because of the shit EU leadership, the cost of gas, electricity, food and so many things for every household has increased significantly. On the other hand, Russia also a completely self-sufficient country and if needed he had very powerful ally, and Europe has not yet been able to defeat the big bear, just as America will not, but this should not be tested live at the cost of many civilian lives.


The blog also reached a few milestones, about which this post was born this week.

I would like to thank you the nice comments and feedback :)

I´m currently working on something behind the scenes.

The energies are currently difficult in my opinion, a bit like moving forward in muddy dense water. Dream space is quite busy and may we get a call to take a nap during a day to "work in higher planes" and let resting our body to able to absorb these energies and letting go stuff what not serve us anymore.

Probably a lot of old things, emotions, mental programming resurfacing by triggers to see it, acknowledge it and finally let it go.

There was a major farsided event, in the other side of the Sun, which estimatedly caused X14 or even double X28 solar flare with an CME (coronal mass ejections).

"This data was provided by the Solar Orbiter (SolO) spacecraft which was developed by the European Space Agency (ESA). Based on the trajectory of the CME and Helioseismic imagery, old sunspot region 3738 would seem like the most likely source. We should begin to see this region reappear by the middle of next week (July 31st)." https://www.solarham.com/

There is currently a KP5 geomagnetic storm, it feels electric, pressuring and effecting our head-brain or other part of our body. Even my lady cat is restless, crying all over the place. Apart from this, our Sun has produced only minor M-class solar flares towards Earth.

We have arrived in Leo season, it is characterized by fiery strong energies so we can expect more solar flares, geomagnetic storm, nature events and probably stir up the mud even more in the world. 

I found a very good song for it. Maybe this coming period is for finding your own strength, embracing it and using it to be fearless! May our Lionheart shine upon this world, burn away all the shackles of our life's traumas that hold us back, and break free from it once and for all!

I wish for you a very good weekend and an awesome new week :)

Take care, see ya 

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