"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

It´s Friday again, and we successfully survived this week above this much heralded Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction. Also, "something will happen on July 15-16" was missed, and I think many people were disappointed, since there was a lot of hype around it. Unfortunately, that's the problem with specific dates. There are still 12 days left in July and the complete August is here... there are potentials that "anything can happen at any time", if it needs to happen at all. If you look closely, the occurrence of the Blue Beam project alien invasion has been in the public's mind for years.

This week was not uneventful, since the spiritual and mainstream media are still dealing with the assassination attempt against Trump quite a lot and the camp has split in two again - those who believe that it was divine intervention and a real event, and those who "see" that it was a staged event. The point is that Trump, taking advantage of this event, received enormous political advantage and popular support worldwide. But the question is what will be the consequences of this event. I also wrote a short report on this case.

One of the consequences is that suddenly Biden "caught" "Covid", his test was positive and he is going into self-isolation in Delaware.

We know that this "Covid" is actually a disguise, and we also know that he is not actually the "real" US president. Maybe this week's Fulford report is right and the US now has a military government? "To make it more explicit, Biden was also told to say he takes orders from his "Commander in Chief, the chief of staff of the military."

Our sun also sent an X class solar flare this week - an X1.2 on the 14th of July and an X2 on the 16th.

Last weekend I also managed to finish part 2 of my Königsse holiday report.

I also managed to finish my 5th cross-stitch work! I surprised myself with this for my birthday last year. To see and immediately fall in love with this picture. It was a pleasure to work on it, as this beautiful pair of tigers come to life. This image captured me, it radiates deep love for each other, security, commitment, and understanding without words. I love it and I can't wait to frame it and put it on my wall.

It was added along with the others:

The possible "sky event" concerns a lot of people, even me, although I am a bit sceptical. But surprisingly, I had two dreams about it, and I thought I'd share them here. Years ago I had a dream about a possible "celestial phenomenon", which has not yet occurred, but I'd rather be "warned" than not.

These are my fresh two dreams this week about the "sky event".

I was curious about this "sky event", which was scheduled for July or rather this summer, since the timing is always fluid. In addition to meditation, we receive information through dreams, but here too it goes through many filters. I was tired on Tuesday, so after noon I thought I would sleep a little. there are usually "crazy" dreams during the afternoon nap, especially if the energies are intense. I realized that I was able to visit different parallel worlds in these times and I also realized why. Because it's very likely that my other selves aren't sleeping, so I can slip and "merge" with that consciousness. In addition to dreams, you can also "peek" into other realities in meditation, and deja vu is also such an option, which I think is a junction - a branching point - a choice point - between nearby parallel realities. Before going to sleep, I set the course that I would like to receive more information about this event. I landed on a reality where I lived with my father's family in a large housing where many "random" families live together. I have seen this in many realities where many families live together, they own rooms and the kitchen, living room and garden are shared.

Since there was no information here and I had seen enough, my consciousness gave the order to go somewhere else. The picture changed and I woke up in my sleep in my bed. It was also afternoon, but the current house I live in was "different". I knew this wasn't my reality, since I don't have such a big brown closet on the corridor and my boyfriend isn't at home either, and I'm sure he wouldn't wear such clothes. Since that "avatar" of mine was tired, I thought I go away from here and meet someone I'm curious about. I felt that force pulling me out of there and now I saw for the first time what this parallel or timeline journey is like.

I passed through a blue circle and as I moved away, I saw an endless dark blue ocean. Where I came out was a kind of access point - a dark blue circle, inside a smaller dark blue circle and a dark blue dot in the middle. It floated in the ocean and next to it, under it, around it, there were hundreds and thousands of the same "access points". As I moved toward my destination, this vast ocean rose like a wall in all directions. My earthly self was amazed, completely overwhelmed by the sight, although I did not know where I was going, but my higher consciousness knew and I let it go where it should go.

My destination was on the other side, I flew into one of those blue circles and moved forward in a "tunnel". It was like the "wormhole" of the stargate in the Stargate series or like in the Sliders series but here there are straight, quiet and beautiful shades of blue, like a lot of blue energy fabric that constantly flows around you and that energy pulls you forward.

At the end of the road, I found myself in a one-floor office building, the room was full of small fenced-in desks - boxes, as clerks worked. I went on, right, left, my consciousness knew where to go. There were two doors at the end of the corridor, I entered on the right side, this was the destination. It was a large room, a man was sitting on a chair by the door, holding a plastic coffee cup and stirring it, then handed it to me. I thanked him and I went to the table by the window, where a woman was sitting and conducting business with the people in front of me.

My attention was drawn to the large quantity of that day's newspaper on her desk. I recognized that this was the Austrian daily Krone Zeitung. I looked at the date and couldn't believe what I was seeing - the year was 21..maybe 33 something. It can't be that I jumped so much in time - I thought. I started flipping through the newspaper and half way through the page, I saw a picture. Wow pretty epic, I thought. The picture was of some ancient city or ruin. The sky is darkly cloudy and in the upper right corner of the picture is a golden or rather fiery cloud, from which the pieces fell like fireworks. It looked like a completely apocalyptic scene. Later I remembered the movie called The Mummy, in which there were 10 plagues of Egypt and the scene was similar to it, but it was even more epic and larger in volume.

A lady was standing next to me and I asked her - "Do you know it was a manipulation? (I think I meant an illusion). To which the young woman replied - "We didn't know, it was very scary. Now we know."

I asked her when this happened. The woman answered this, "exactly 1 year ago today on the 31st."


I am sharing here the video of Lisa M. Harrison, where she shares her dream about this "sky event".


In my dream I was in a city, it was evening and dark cloudy and many people were out in the nearby park. All of a sudden we heard a melody with a frequency audible to the human ear and after noticed in the sky that a huge dark object was floating by the skyscrapers. It looked exactly like the Imperial Star Destroyer from Star Wars. Everyone looked up at the sky with a mixture of awe and fear. The melody stopped and then an even bigger dark round object floated through the dark sky of the city, which looked like the Death Star, also from star wars. Its size was amazingly huge. People took pictures, shouted, some ran away, but most people had their feet rooted to the ground. In my consciousness had a realization that it was a "test". The scene ended here.

The dream continued that my friend and I wanted to go on vacation to some tropical place by plane. We agreed that we should be ready by 7pm and go to the airport, because the plane leaves around 9pm. We packed up and went to the neighbor to ask them to take care of our cats, but they told us that they bought their own apartment in China and they were moving. But they have a friend who likes to come over to feed the cats. Since we still had time and were missing a few things, we went to the local supermarket. As we were shopping, I noticed that the workers there were busy, nervous, and I heard a higher-ranking person - I think a department manager - tell one of the subordinates that "it's about to start".

After that, that frequency melody started and I recognized it immediately, because we heard the same melody in the evening in the city. I immediately told my friend to plug his ears, but he didn't listen to me. I stuck my finger in my ear so that I wouldn't hear that frequency and thus it wouldn't affect me. I watched my friend, who immediately came under the influence of the frequency melody. First looked like he is some kind of "trance" and after the melody stopped he started to behave and speak very "differently", as if he was not himself, out of his character. It's like when someone drinks a lot of alcohol and is freed from all inhibitions, norms and controls. People were crazy around me. I don't know if they were hallucinating or not, but they were completely out of their minds. We missed the plane and my friend was angry and very disappointed because we didn't get ready in time. I told him that "you know why we were late". He didn't know, as if time had skipped for him and he didn't remember the "trance" he spent in the store. Later, the "friend" who was recommended arrived, but not alone, the whole house was full of cats.

We know that different frequencies and tunes affect the body and the mind, and they have probably already experimented with how they can harm, stimulate, causing death or even induce mass hypnosis. The human nervous system is "fragile", especially if it is overstimulated every day 24/7.

Recently, a lot of news and articles have been published about the Vagus Nerve and how important this nerve is and how it can be influenced - stimulated.

For example, in the film Leave The World Behind, a strong sound frequency can be heard with which they "terrorized" people and caused physical and mental harm. One of the theory in the movie this sound caused by microwave weapons. Here a good video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAX3cXsnFDk

It is easy to create mass hypnotism or make people crazy by frequencies by audible or in inaudible range. If we can't hear the sound, just observe how the animals and nature around us behave and all in all how we feel and how our body feel.

I don't even have to mention that we are constantly exposed to different frequencies and electrical impulses - wifi, bluetooth, radio signal, etc. In other words, we are constantly stimulated invisibly and live our everyday lives in electric-frequency smog. That's why it's important to go out into nature to "clean up" and surround ourselves with natural "frequencies".

Since summer is still in full swing, I brought you an easy summer hit from ATB from the 2000s. The Fields of Love.

I wish you a very good weekend and an even better next week! :)

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