"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

If it's Friday, it's Weekend Vibezz...I'll try to keep it.

How was your week? Well, rest played a major role in mine and I'm trying to finish my cross-stitch, and the first part of my vacation report is out. 

The next part with lots of photos will come soon.

My new cross-stitch kits have finally arrived which approx. I ordered more than 2 weeks ago (thanks again the voting + 1 surprise).

The cooler and rainy weather of June and the first week of July was replaced by the heat wave. During the week and even today, the average temperature is 30+C degree and my best friend is the old but still working fan. That's how it feels to go out,

and inside I sweating on my work and on my computer´s mouse, and I even don´t talk about how does it feel to cook at this time. I'm not a big friend of the heat.

On July 11, there was an M7.1 magnitude earthquake in the Philippines,

and before that there was a 6.7 magnitude earthquake off the coast of South Africa.

We can probably expect natural "disasters", whether natural or man-made.
Everything boils under the surface and there is a point when pressure breaks to the surface...be it in nature or in people. This and the coming period are very malleable, anything can happen at any time. Effects and counter-effects, be it politics, light-dark struggle, nature or our decisions in our own lives.

In spiritual circles, a date appeared again, July 15, when something big will happen, but no one knows for sure what. Well, if something is hype, it's not certain that it will come true, but since everyone is paying attention to it, it gets a lot of attention and energy, so it's the best way to manifest events, whether good or bad.

Always pay attention to where they direct your attention and therefore your energy. If your attention is "directed" to something, it doesn't mean that you have to pay attention to it, because a lot of things are distractions - illusions. Be alert, you can prepare for different events, but don't live in the future and fear, not in the past, in the missed opportunities, but in the present.

The best thing is to listen inwardly and tune in to your own "divine intelligence" and your intuitions and don't get on every hype train, because they've cried wolf so many times, we've waited for so many dates and events that didn't happen. And if the wolf is really coming, we won't believe it because of the many disappointments. We have intuitions, I'm used to it too - something big will happen - and it didn't happen - because everything is potential and even though we know x or y will happen, there are so many timelines and paths that we never know when and how it will happen or happening at all.

Regardless of spiritual or media hype, you don't have to be the hundredth monkey and follow everything - follow your own soul and your higher self. If something doesn't resonate, let it go. You will not become more spiritual if you listen to or read every single spiritual - new age - "guide". Sometimes this is the most harmful, as it takes away from you the ability to pay attention to yourself and your intuition. Sometimes less is more.

The following post is for ladies, but of course men can read it too.

As I was reading Facebook with my morning cold coffee, a news came up that according to a new study, various chemicals and heavy metals were found in tampons. The researchers looked for different substances in 30 types of tampons from 14 brands (USA, UK, Europe) and, as it turned out, whether they were normal or organic tampons, they found arsenic, mercury, lead, i.e. 16 types of metals, and did not address the various harmful and toxic substances. 

We know the cabal is poisoning us in every way be it physical, energetic and mental, just look up in the sky and you will see lots of chemtrails coming down with the rain and washing these toxic metals and substances into the ground and our water and we breathe them. Or if you go to the dentist, the free or cheapest filling is amalgam, which is an alloy of mercury with other metals and is toxic. Our body is full of heavy metals, which cause diseases and lead to long-term health damage and death. We also know that one of the Cabal's biggest plans is to reduce the earth's population and one of the products of the modern world is that, unfortunately, many women suffer from infertility, but this is unfortunately true for many men as well - seedless.

It is very good that this news has reached the mainstream media and I support that independent labs start in-depth investigations of many products and thus provide the masses with awareness of what we are actually eating, drinking, bathing and lubricate ourselves and of course reach the mass media and every social media. 

There is still a lot of work to be done to make Heaven on Earth ...

Until then, I wish you all a very good weekend and a good week ahead :)

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