"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - drastic upgrade in relationships - 23.07.2024

Just a quick note on loving relationships:

The shift is escalating and there is a drastic upgrade in relationships, as old karmic patterns are dissolving, which frees all souls involved, as well as a return to transcendental love and love with great respect and trust.
As every soul has free will and choice, within a relationship one soul may choose to ascend and the other not.
Let go of attachments. You cannot piggy back anyone into the New Earth, no matter how much you try.
Love is eternal and infinite.
And indeed, no one is ever lost to love.
Love merely is changing form into a much higher dimensional frequency band and the old ways of relating are becoming redundant.
We are returning to the truth of love, which is a merging between souls - which is something totally different from all we ever have been able to experience before.
The same applies if you are looking for love, rather do the inner work and love yourself into the deepest shadows and the highest light, and become whole and complete, by marrying the masculine and feminine within. In so doing, you were preparing yourself for the new Golden Age, and true love.
For in truth the future you, is being created in the here and now. Your own choices determine the outcome.
This is so important to grasp.

We are living in such momentous time, where everything is possible and everything can change in milliseconds.
What a time to be alive and to be able to witness and experience this, and to rise in consciousness and love every single breathing moment!

Photo: Josephine Wall
source - facebook

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