"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - we all need to go deeper into ourselves - 29.07.2024

A message I am receiving repeatedly is that we all need to go deeper into ourselves and listen, listen, listen and follow the guidance and deep knowing within.
Shut out the noise, the distractions, even other people's views and whatever, go and follow the truth, the deep inner knowing with love.
I have learnt to do this, even if I had no idea where all of this would lead me, even in my darkest hours. Yet it has always brought me through, sustained me and kept me going. Afterwards, when one looks back, one is filled with grace and gratitude.
Your own inner Divinely eternally linked highest soul self always knows what is best for you. Not for everyone else, for you! For every soul is unique and has its own uniqueness to bring to the fore, yet in the end all is one.
So many allow themselves to swept away by mass hysteria, by opinions, sensationalism, by other people, etc. that they literally loose their heads, to fearbased and lower ego and all which goes with it, as has happened recently.
The higher soul self will always pull you upwards, in love, with love, and through love to see the higher picture, and gain the higher view, and always bring you back to the core heart and soul and the truth of who and what you are, and the higher truth will resonate, deeply within.
It brings, clarity, balance, harmony and inner peace, always.
When I get off kilter, I go deeper within, as within me Divinity is always present, as it is within you.

Photo: All credit to the artist.

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