"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Mars - Uranus - Algol conjunction & Full Moon in Capricorn

We're entering quite a strong period of astrology in the second half of this month. We have the Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction exact on Monday and Tuesday next week, and aside from any manifestations in the outer world this can make you feel restless, edgy, wanting more freedom and to break free from any stale routines in your life. See where it falls in your chart to see how this might express. It can also create breakthroughs, awakenings, and even kundalini activation.

This then leads us into a powerful Full Moon at 29°08' Capricorn on the 21st. Not only will this be conjunct Pluto in the US chart in the 2nd house linked to the country's economy, finances, values, power structure and constitutional issues, but it will also give us a glimpse of what may unfold when transiting Pluto retrogrades to 29° Capricorn again from September 2nd to November 19th. After that it will not be in Capricorn again for another 230 years or so. It is linked to the old order, which is likely to get louder before it crumbles away.

There have already been concerns about President Biden's health with the Mars-Uranus conjunction in his 6th house of health opposing his Sun (vitality) and Mercury (communication ability, can link to the nervous system and neurological issues, as can Uranus) in the 12th house of health, but at the end of this month Solar Arc Saturn comes to conjunct his health axis (Ascendant-descendant) exactly. Saturn is connected to limitation, contraction, old age and reality checks.

We are in for an interesting few months.
More than anything, stay in peace, stillness, and even better, bliss. Just close your eyes and watch your breath. Drop your breath into your belly so it slows and deepens more. Try to do this as often as you can through your day even for a few minutes, and notice how it changes your state of being each time, shifting you from anxiety to peace.
This is the first step in mastering our state, and it is so easy for us all to do.
Many blessings to you all.

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