"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - EVENTS IN THE USA and the Pyramid of world power - 16.07.2024

EVENTS IN THE USA and the Pyramid of world power

Many asked what I think. I only ask that you do not generate political discord in the Comments, because it must be analyzed by the most Conscious from the perspective of the spiritual war on the planet and the “Deep State” – the hidden alien government – ​​that controls the planet through its puppets in power.

This “government” has followers in all political parties, in all countries. Regardless of the name that wins the position, they were the ones who formed the masses' convictions for voting.

This Predator Group is capable of holding maneuver events.
This Group activates strategies during the Dispute, giving victory to its puppet candidates in any ideological party.

It is a warning to those who believe in the Qanon news, and Trump as "savior of the world". Just analyze his biography.
The assassination attempt on Trump is a well-rehearsed theatrical performance, added to the cinematography of bullets whizzing and Trump's fist raised in front of the flag shouting “FIGHT”.

Evidences? The Secret Service does not leave a terrace of the ONLY nearby building unattended, with satellites and drones at its disposal. Many eyewitnesses warned officers present and the police station about the shooter on the roof.
Although the Light is guaranteed victory, the last remnants of darkness are still allowed here so that they can be exposed and a mass Awakening can occur, and humanity will no longer allow atrocities to happen.

They intend to fight one last fight, using the division of ideas within the US, to recreate this in the world. What happens in the USA, or any other country, affects everyone else in some way. The dollar exchange rate soared...

There are witnesses who saw a second shooter, which matches a previous “false flag” pattern, with multiple shooters being seen by witnesses, but the blame is placed on a lone shooter.
As always, the strategy is to use someone to “push the button” and “burn the file”: the “lone wolf” was killed immediately, and his digital life was completely wiped clean.

This also happened with the deaths of Robert and John Kennedy, and those who carried out other horrific attacks.
Who would Trump's assassination benefit? It happened exactly after the Biden puppet demonstrated that it is short circuited, and to further pressure evangelical-Christian Zionism and American nationalism by activating a long-prophesied civil war.
In any case, they are now benefiting candidate Trump, as deserving of a “miracle”, strengthening his deification by his followers; promoting both sides of the false good candidate-bad candidate paradigm.

There is a security system that they don't have.

It is the Great Awakening, the vibrational elevation, the liberation of Humanity and the Earth. No matter the pestilences, the wars, the falsified food and medicines... Healing at all levels is a Divine Promise and Oath.
Vilma Capuano

My conclusions and insertions after reading texts by Don Spectacularis; Derrick Broze; James Gilliland

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