"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - THE UNKNOWN - THE PATH OF "NOT KNOWING" - 12.07.2024

“In each of us there is another one we don’t know. He talks to us in our dreams ... When we find ourselves in a difficult situation, for which there is no solution, it can ignite a light that radically changes our attitude, the same one that has led us to the difficult situation.” ~ Carl Jung

There is a power unlike any other power, force or energy when you are open to listening to your Spiritual Instinct. And there is a practical way to listen: it is to be rooted in a very quiet dimension of Being... in a very fluid and dynamic form, staying open and dropping control.
“When you are detached, you gain a higher point of view to see the events in your life, rather than getting trapped inside them. ” ~Eckhart Tolle

“When you start to open up from any particular vantage point, you have a lived experience of Being, a very intimate connection to what spirituality calls the Unknown: that is simpler, accessible, and available than anyone thinks.

The Unknown is just below that which we cling to as understanding.
We get attached to things in direct proportion to the amount of doubt they conceal. If there was no doubt, why would we hold on tight?
When we begin to open up, we begin to experience the potential of Not Knowing for deepening spirituality.
When we begin to hold things less tighter, the veils through which we tend to perceive things begin to dissolve.
So, when you open yourself to the Mystery of Being, that is the Door: be the mystery of who you are, imagining how to incorporate and live through it.
If you've never tried yourself as a living Mystery, try it.... it's very liberating, because until we have a deeper Awakening, we don't know anything.
The way to Know is to allow yourself Not to Know. This is the paradox. "
Text based on ~Adyashanti, “The Innate Knowledge of the Unknown”

"The Universe is gently reminding you to step back and look at the infinite panorama. Perspective is and will be very important in the coming weeks/months. Even if you don't fully understand its implications, it affects every part of your life. Vir Coming from a place of fear generates a world where everything is dangerous, scary and out of control. Coming from a place of love will generate peace, joy and natural order. Are you choosing today?" ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley
Wilma Capuano

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