"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - Cosmic Heart frequencies and vibrations have just been activated - 28.07.2024

Cosmic Heart frequencies and vibrations have just been activated.
Cosmic Love.
Cosmic consciousness.
Divine Cosmic Rose.
This is a very pure secret, sacred heart chamber opening within the higher heart, which activates the Cosmic Love consciousness and opens us up to higher transcendental love, love beyond all understanding, beyond all we have ever known before.
It is the full activation of the Divine Feminine within in the sacred temple of the sacred rose as held in the higher heart.
The full return of sacred cosmic Rose....
The sacred high orders of the cosmic Rose.
The true purity of the soul.


Divine Infinite Love….

Does not need to announce itself, in huge displays of power, nor on huge television screens, loud and discordant music, being shouted out, in frenetic advertisements, and Hollywood Love stories and all which there in its loudest and most distracting forms. 
Love which proclaims itself the loudest, and has great show, is like a puff of dust and is swept away easily by the winds of time. 
Love in its truest form is felt and lived in the innermost Heart and Soul, it is there in the thirty-three petals of the Heart Rose, and now the Higher Heart, as one with the Cosmic Heart and Heart Rose.  
It is soft, it is blending, it is unifying, harmonious, it is sacred, it is holy.
It is something that one does not need podiums for, nor loud love songs which so often bemoan the loss of love, when in truth love cannot ever be lost.  One can close one’s heart center and then refuse to let love out and step into fear.
Or, instead allow it to expand within into all expansive, all-embracing, but silently so.  And yet, such true and pure Divine Love, finds its deepest expression through its movement into the creative side of the soul, for love is creative and is ever rebirthing itself, into ever higher degrees and expansion of the heart-flame, the heart fires, the threefold flame of Love, Light and Power and Love, Power and Wisdom. 
Love in its purest form is PURE. 
It is felt WITHIN and defies description.  
Love is gently, it is soft, yet its fires burn away all the fortresses which we ever built around our heart in the fear of being hurt, or not good enough, not smart enough, not worthy enough, of LOVE in its infinite, expansive and immortal form.  
We are afraid of loving unconditionally ourselves and others.  Why?  Because we fear to love our deepest shadows which the world is constantly reflecting like mirrors back to ourselves and all we have not love, nor owned within ourselves.   All the parts we want to cut out, or not acknowledge.   Not love into its deepest shadows, as well as its highest light! 
With the return to the Cosmic Rose Heart and the immortal 144 000 volumes of the Sacred Holy Books of Love (which are not books like we know it, but are written within our very soul and soul groups as one with the Divine Feminine now fully returned and are held in the sacred Rose quartz Pyramid Temples within the Divine Sacred Heart), we will find that all now surfaces within and outside ourselves, to be finally loved into wholeness within and without. 
This includes all which is and will happen in the world in and around us. 
In the daily choices we make. 
In our thoughts, words, deeds, and actions as well as non-actions.
Love is always silently reminding us for the truth of who and what we in truth are! 
Love is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. 
The exquisite Cosmic Heart Rose is now fully activating our souls in the deepest and highest levels, for every soul, in its core holds Divine Love.  
It is Divine Love which birthed all of creation, visible and invisible.
It is CONSCIOUS.  It is Consciousness. 
For Love is consciousness, and the higher the consciousness levels, the more expansive the Love, All Embracing. 
Love is life and life is love.   
It is the heartbeat of creation – a living, breathing, all embracing love which reverberates throughout all which was ever conceived within the Divine Heart. 
Love cannot ever be absent in any form or way. 
We are reminded of this, for with all the changes into the artificial, which ever just as mortal as whoever created it as I am always Divinely guided and told, limited, even as humans are,  and all which is trying to replace the very heart and soul, and the very essence of Love Eternal.
We are all being asked to go deeper into our heart and connect with our infinite Soul and the Infinite Cosmic Heart and Divine infinite love, and BECOME it with every living, breathing moment. 
And with our least outbreath, our soul immediately receives it immortal inbreath, and AS ONE with Divine Love, from which it first was birth and reassumes its cosmic soul body, and its infinite Soul. 

Judith Kusel 
Photo:  All credit to the Artists.

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