"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - major identity shift going on & cosmic opening energetically - 25.07.2024

There is a major identity shift going on and it's going on at the collective level and equally in each of us. We're also healing faster, changing faster - even those of us who've been around the block with this kind of stuff. I'm 25 years into this and I'm sure some of you watching might be 50 or more years into this. Things have changed very rapidly, and so predicting is starting to get harder. It doesn't mean you can't try; doesn't mean you can't give it a go. But for those of you who are confused about that, that's why. It's why even the events of the last few months have not necessarily gone the way that certain people expected. We're being asked to come more into the now and to live from the now, and more importantly, to recognize that we are co-creating destiny.


There will be a cosmic opening energetically in this month and in months to come that will literally burst lower frequencies on earth - personally and globally. Let's say there's a very low-vibe agenda going on on earth or a plan to keep people down - anything that's coming from a very low place. This cosmic opening energy is literally going to be coming in and sweeping a lot of that out of the way. It doesn't mean it will take everything away overnight, but it does mean that low-vibrational plans will be interrupted because of what's coming in.
How that might show up for you personally is that you might suddenly feel the removal of a heaviness or weight you've been carrying for a long time. It may show up in a personal relationship that suddenly becomes lighter and brighter in a way that you couldn't have ever imagined. It almost feels miraculous that this upshift has taken place.
Look out for that and notice the surprise you might have that suddenly, low vibrational energies, identities, and things that you've been dealing with are quite swiftly removed. It will feel somewhat miraculous when it happens because it won't seem like it's going at human speed. It isn't. It's hitting us in a completely different way and bursting lower frequencies on earth.

Watch the full July Energy Update here: 

-Lee Harris

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