"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix



The link below shows a video of a Full CME Sun Halo, exactly as I was shown in 2022 as point number 1 in my last post (29 July 2024). I hope this helps you to understand what I described will occur, followed by an Earth facing very strong solar flare. I don’t know how long in time (hours? days?) between the CME Full Halo effect (1) and the Earth directed very strong solar flare (2), but it is the sequence I was shown in 2022 of the Solar Event. Whenever it occurs…

For newcomers to this wall, data I’ve previously shared:

I received a physically felt vision in 2014 of the Solar Event (not a dream or meditation). It was to give me a physical and visual assimilation of what the ENERGIES emitted at the moment of the Solar Event would FEEL like. I felt multiple waves of vibrations, too many to focus on any single pattern. It is because of the physical vision that I saw and physically felt, that I’ve been able to physically feel and energetically trace (within me) all incoming energies, their frequencies and vibrational patterns since 2014. I have used that vision as an internal measurement system of the strength, frequencies and vibrational patterns since then, for all incoming energies. And why I continuously posted about incoming energies since 2014, to help you learn to physically FEEL INCOMING ENERGIES at the moments they LAND, if I knew they were strong or somehow significant.


The pale green gaseous looking emission I described in the previous post as a precursor to the CME plus Earth directed Solar Flare was also a vision, the day after the physical assimilation given in 2014.
I don’t update you on all incoming energies anymore as:

1) They are all the time, changeable in energy frequency, strength and vibrational patterns, in every second every day now.

2) Many people have increasingly been posting about Solar Activity. So I know there’s plenty of data for people to source.

As always, if I receive any more data I will always share freely here. Or if I just feel any particular incoming energy is somehow significant, I’ll also post here.

But otherwise, my main focus here is to encourage and support whoever resonates, with your embodiment stages of divine self realisation. As I’m aware it is the change to our consciousness levels that eliviates suffering, and empowers people of this world to be CONSCIOUSLY knowing of The Divine Source Creator that is always within you and outside of you, that has been denied to so many for thousands of years. The shift in people’s consciousness at very INDIVIDUAL TIMINGS is the change this world shall witness and be a part of…for All that wish it this lifetime. That creates by us, a world of Harmony, Eternal Peace, innate INNER divine wisdom, equality, kindness, compassion, and above all, LOVE for All beings as The One Divine Creator Source that is ALL Loving in all moments of IT’s Beingness.
The Solar Event will have a huge and very individual effect on all. But, this gradual change in our consciousness STATE does require daily, our inner devotion to birth a higher frequency state of consciousness in the gradual rising of a Golden Age for humanity and all kingdoms.

With Love always,
30 July 2024


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